Several people from across theworld are invested in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Will the cryptocurrencies beever considered mainstream? There is a certain degree of suspicion continuingto revolve around the cryptocurrencies.
Financial institutions are notcomfortable exposing themselves to the different risks they can see in thecryptocurrency market.
Several institutions areinterested in stepping into the market; however, "But they were veryconcerned about the associations between virtual currency and criminalactivity."
Cryptocurrency is considered bymany as a new investment class providing for entrepreneurial opportunity. Thosewith healthy nerves are likely to get some rich rewards investing incryptocurrency.
Financial institutions that areoffering cryptocurrency services are not interested in falling foul toregulators and law enforcement.
Dr. Robinson opined, “That’sespecially true after the 2017 Bitcoin bubble - even taxi drivers were talkingabout that. Banks wanted to give their clients access tocrypto-assets.”
The trend these days is that oneneeds not to go to a bank to execute a transaction, and in some cases, one willbe able to create one.
Even if entrepreneurial companieslike Libra would fail, chances are high for similar companies to come up. The scope for financial services providingfor international remittances and e-commerce will never fade away. Blockchain analysis will evolve to be thestandard.
Ultimately, the entrepreneurialmarket will be dominated by big players from the digital security market.
PeterSchiff, the Gold Investor, stated, "Privately issued cryptocurrencies,backed by real assets, would represent a major improvement over our currentsystem of national fiat currencies. Consumers are best served by competition.Let capitalism restore the freedom, privacy, and stability governments havedestroyed!"
Schiff refers to Libra as aprivately issued cryptocurrency, and in the current scenario, it is not clearif the Libra will ever get off the ground.
Asopposed to creating a currency that will be backed by a basket of differentcryptocurrencies, Zuckerberg et al. now is looking to come up with a range ofstable coins which will be pegged to different cryptocurrencies.
RecentlyPeter Schiff commented about the Trump administration as being the primaryreason leading to the current state of the US economy. The US National Debt is now past $22.9trillion, and by the end of his term, the debt is expected to rise over $5trillion. Schiff opines, "BitcoinFixes This."
Thus itis seen that even hardcore critics support the view that the cryptocurrenciesare here to stay.
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