Last Wednesday, March 14, The Google announced to all Crypto advertisers that they will forbid all crypto-related ads from their Googleβs network. The Google Adwords will follow the footsteps made by Facebook which made a similar action in January just this year.
According to Scot Spencer, the director of the Google Adwords sustainable ads, the purpose of the ban is to protect many search users from any deceptive content. These deceptive contents are frauds that are using Cryptocurrency and other types of crypto offers just to entice the online people. According to the new policy, all the cryptocurrency related contents including the cryptocurrency wallets, coin offerings, trading advice and cryptocurrency exchanges are no longer allowed on the companyβs Adwords platform. The Director also stated that this ban is for the safety and welfare of all the crypto users and to improve the Google ads experience as well.
The Google has taken its announcement together with the ban on forex, financial betting, and binary options. The Google is also planning to ban the Cryptocurrency wallets and Cryptocurrency exchanges. These two types of businesses came to life due to the birth of Bitcoin in year 2009. Most of these businesses are providing value to numerous customers and are responsible for the growth of the industry of Cryptocurrency. Since most of these cryptocurrencies are using Blockchain platforms as their way of the ecosystem, the Google also plans to ban the Blockchain companies.
The new policy introduced by the Google Adwords also implies that the Blockchain companies and platform will also be banned. Blockchain platforms and companies that integrate Blockchain technology are also included in the ban. Today, Google is still working on the changes to be done with regards to the businesses related to cryptocurrency ban.
According to Google Adwords Director, people should also understand that not all the information about Cryptocurrency is a scam. It is necessary for people to realize and understand that the world of Cryptocurrency is prone to unrestricted authorities. Google introduced this new ban policy to help all the crypto enthusiasts be protected from the open web and be free from online scammers.
In order to protect the safety of every user, the Google added this new cryptocurrency-related ban. According to the company, this will improve the user experience around the globe and this will remove all the intrusive ads and even the harmful ads. It has been said as well that Googleβs top priority is the safety and better experience of everyone.
Google, along with Twitter and Facebook are taking their move against any cryptocurrency-related ads. Google follows the similar move done by Facebook which banned cryptocurrency-related ads on Facebook site in January. The Google has updated its ban policies in order to tackle all the emerging threats. The company also classifies the cryptocurrency under unregulated financial products. Some advertisers reported about the drop in the significant performance on their ICO-related ads.
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