Home Altcoins News Cardano (ADA) Price Surge Following Sundae Swap Marketing About Launch

Cardano (ADA) Price Surge Following Sundae Swap Marketing About Launch

Cardano (ADA) Price Surge Following Sundae Swap Marketing About Launch

The price of Cardano surged over 40% in more than 7 days.  ADA’s critics say there’s too much talk and not enough action as the price of ADA has not been doing well for few months now.  Hype is created around Sunday Swap.

SundaeSwap is a Decentralized Trading Protocol on Cardano. SundaeSwap is a native, scalable decentralized exchange and automated liquidity provision protocol.

SundaeSwap (SUNDAE), like other decentralized exchanges, uses smart contracts to match token trades between users and distributes a portion of trading fees back to the investors who provide liquidity to the platform, a process broadly known as “yield farming.”

CoinDesk expressed: “Cardano’s price surged more than 10% in 24 hours as the network’s first DEX, Sundaeswap, announced its launch date.”

Community Reactions to Cardano Price hike:  I didn’t believe ADA can go uptrend, and now I regret I didn’t buy it on BFX earlier.

Sundae made incredible excuses even prior to its main net launch. I wonder if the price can go any further. I guess hydra is the only hope.

There’s already a working DEX. Why so much attention for Sundae? Sundaeswap might be the most marketed one, but the First one is Muesliswap, (or hell even Hoskyswap).

Lark Davis Interrogated: Will Cardano be able to handle to launch of the highly anticipated Sundae Swap later this week?

Community Response to Lark and Discussions that Followed:  Wow that Cardano ecosystem blowing up – oh wait what ecosystem.

Is there a Sundae Swap token?  You will be able to get the Sundae Swap token when the DEX launches through either the ISO.  Swapping for it on the DEX or providing liquidity to the protocol.

All L1s have bugs. It’s a race to see, who can fix them first.

It’s crazy to think ADA struggling with basic stuff like DEX and its top 5.

LOL such people without patience. We are living in a world, where is no rush to put out a half product.  Look at all the apps and games out in the world full of bugs. Cardano makes sure it’s product has value, not appearance.

I have complete confidence it will not work for one reason or another and Charles will give a long explanation why.

Agreed. The Devs have even stated this will happen.

Bahaha, the test-net was a mess. They didn’t fix anything and just decided to release an unusable app. And don’t forget the sandwich scams the scoopers will be doing.

Used it once and never went back? Running smoothly, when I used it recently. So, I think they fixed the odd thing here and there.

Regarding SundaeSwap:  The Cardano developers have said they’ll be increasing block size, RAM, and Plutus script limits starting in January, 2022. Block size will be increasing continuously throughout the year. The first few weeks for the Sundae launch are a mainnet test run for parameter changes.

I think a lot of the people defending Cardano haven’t used DEXs on other layer 1s to see that it can be done and scaled now, not tomorrow.

Yes, on a centralized blockchain riddled with bugs. Everyone defending Cardano knows that security and decentralization are far more valuable than being able to run a DEX for Degens today, that’s the difference. For clarity, Degens is doing trading without due diligence and research.

We are expecting the system to be a bit congested; however, it’s all planned as they ramp up the parameters. Remember when Uniswap did airdrops? How bad was that?

Another engagement tweet, I see. As You don’t do research on Cardano and just try and be negative for the most part, IOHK and Sundae Swap have both given us a heads up on the congestion that will occur over the coming weeks. As scaling ramps up on-chain, so will performance. But FUD away

We will expect some hiccups as it’s the first DEX. Be patient. At least, you don’t lose money, when the transaction fails or restart the whole network.

Yes. The Cardano blockchain is designed to slow down when it’s overloaded. This is to prevent a stop and to make sure transactions go through. Keep in mind none of the scaling measures are in place yet, but they will soon. Also: Cardano has multiple transactions/blocks, up to 300.

No and I HODL anyway. I don’t think SOL in the current configuration could handle Sundae initial traffic either though. The difference is that things will improve for ADA a bit in Feb, a Ton in June, and should outperform when Hydra gets deployed (October or otherwise early next year).

Cardano has three hard forks scheduled for Feb/June/Oct 2022 to implement various scaling solutions. Best I can tell, most L1 TPS improvements will be implemented by June. Unclear to me if Oct will just be refinement/ throughput-parameter tweaks, or possibly deploy Hydra by then.

It will be under heavy load for sure. All the FUD muffins will be getting their rocks off, but all that shows is that they have no understanding of ADA’s stage of development. ADA is a new tech and scaling is yet to come.


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James T, a passionate crypto journalist from South Africa, explores Litecoin, Dash, & Bitcoin intricacies. Loves sharing insights. Enjoy his work? Donate to support! Dash: XrD3ZdZAebm988BfHr1vqZZu6amSGuKR5F

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