Home Altcoins News Ripple CEO Calls Out CoinDesk Over Misleading Report on XRP Legal Status

Ripple CEO Calls Out CoinDesk Over Misleading Report on XRP Legal Status


Ripple’s XRP has often found itself at the center of legal and media scrutiny. Recently, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse took a firm stance against leading crypto news outlet CoinDesk, accusing them of misrepresenting a crucial court decision regarding XRP’s classification as a security.

The Legal Landscape: A Brief Overview

The saga began with a pivotal ruling by California District Judge Phyllis J. Hamilton in a securities class action lawsuit against Ripple. Last week, Judge Hamilton delivered a verdict that dismissed claims alleging violations of securities laws by Ripple. However, she opted to proceed with a jury trial to address a state law claim related to a statement made by Garlinghouse back in 2017.

This decision was eagerly awaited by stakeholders within the cryptocurrency community, particularly those with vested interests in XRP, Ripple’s native digital asset.

CoinDesk’s Reporting Raises Eyebrows

Following the court’s announcement, several media outlets, including CoinDesk, released reports speculating on the potential implications of Judge Hamilton’s ruling for XRP’s legal standing. Notably, CoinDesk’s coverage suggested that the court’s decision might signal a shift in XRP’s classification from its current designation as a non-security, as previously upheld by New York federal Judge Analisa Torres.

Ripple CEO’s Swift Response

Brad Garlinghouse wasted no time in responding to CoinDesk’s report, vehemently refuting their claim that Judge Hamilton had categorized XRP as a security. In a series of tweets and official statements, Garlinghouse clarified that neither Judge Hamilton nor the court ruling had altered XRP’s regulatory status.

“Let me be clear: the CA Judge did NOT call XRP a security,” Garlinghouse tweeted, emphasizing the need for accurate reporting in shaping public perception and investor confidence.

Accusations of Misinformation

Garlinghouse went on to criticize CoinDesk for what he described as spreading false information about XRP’s legal status. He pointed out that CoinDesk had initially published a misleading headline and tweet, which they later retracted and corrected following his clarification. This incident underscored the challenges and responsibilities faced by media outlets in accurately interpreting and reporting on complex legal developments within the cryptocurrency industry.

Legal Community Weighs In

Support for Garlinghouse’s stance came from various legal experts and commentators specializing in cryptocurrency law. Attorney Bill Morgan, known for his advocacy on behalf of XRP, echoed Garlinghouse’s sentiments and condemned CoinDesk for its allegedly misleading reporting.

Morgan clarified that Judge Hamilton’s ruling did not address the fundamental question of whether Ripple’s sales of XRP constituted investment contracts, a critical distinction under securities law. He contrasted this with Judge Torres’s previous ruling, which unequivocally stated that XRP was not a security and that Ripple’s sales did not constitute investment contracts.

Comparative Legal Clarity

Highlighting the broader implications, Morgan asserted that XRP currently enjoys more legal clarity than many other cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, within the U.S. market. This assertion aimed to reassure investors and stakeholders concerned about the regulatory status and future prospects of XRP.

Community and Industry Reactions

Beyond the legal circles, the crypto community itself reacted to the controversy with mixed sentiments. Platforms and forums dedicated to cryptocurrency discussions, such as Community Notes on X, echoed Ripple’s Chief Legal Officer Stuart Alderoty’s clarifications. These platforms played a crucial role in disseminating accurate information and debunking misconceptions surrounding XRP’s legal status.

The Importance of Accuracy in Reporting

In conclusion, the dispute between Ripple and CoinDesk underscores the critical importance of accurate reporting and clear communication in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. As digital assets like XRP navigate regulatory landscapes, clarity and transparency become pivotal in shaping investor sentiment and market stability.

Garlinghouse’s firm stance against misinformation serves as a reminder of the industry’s ongoing efforts to establish robust frameworks and standards for reporting on legal developments affecting cryptocurrencies. It also highlights the complexities involved in interpreting court rulings and their potential impact on digital assets’ legal classifications.


As stakeholders continue to monitor developments surrounding XRP and Ripple, clarity remains paramount. The legal challenges and media scrutiny faced by XRP underscore the evolving nature of cryptocurrency regulation and the need for accurate, informed reporting.

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Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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