Home Bitcoin News Bitcoin and the 100% Uptime? Downtime When China Banned BTC mining

Bitcoin and the 100% Uptime? Downtime When China Banned BTC mining

Bitcoin and the 100% Uptime Downtime When China Banned BTC mining

Dan Held Shared: Bitcoin has had 100% uptime since 2013. Pretty incredible, when you think about it.

Community Response:  Not true. There was 3 hour no transaction window due to high difficulty when china banned mining, resulting to unavailability to find next block, until protocol reacted and lower differential.

That’s not “downtime.” The network was working perfectly. It’s called the “difficulty adjustment.” Google it.

I think that’s questionable: Yes – The Network works as designed, but not producing blocks means unavailability of service for all users, who had to wait for execution. UX is the same as when servers are down. I know what DA is, it’s just relic from PoW times and PoS solves it. Google it.

No, it’s not “questionable” at all. You’re literally the only one who is taking this twisted/absurd interpretation.

And no, PoS does not solve that. What happens if the internet gets partitioned for a few minutes? Also, learn the basics of the lightning network. That would still be up even if new blocks are being created?

What happened to it going to 100K by year end? I ’ve seen you promise your followers this a few times.

I didn’t “promise” anything. Go re-read what I wrote/said. Every time I caveated with “if history repeats itself”.

Also, it’s had almost 0 uptime if you bought above 60K, this is completely perspective, like most of your tweet’s perspective, and opinion. Which is fine, but for as influential and intelligent as you are, you can easily mislead people And I don’t know if you realize this.

Google “uptime.” It’s a tech/server related terminology.  Time in operation seems to be what I found, is this correct?

You forgot 2018.  Where are you in 2018?  Nope, no downtime in 2018.

Not even check in monthly price movement? LTC has 100% uptime since 2011. Never seen an outage.

Any rollbacks? Hardforks or other major flaws? I’m thinking yes.  You’re thinking yes. But it hasn’t.

Grossly under-appreciated fact! And I’ve worked on the internals of some of the world’s largest banking systems.  They make Coinbase look technically competent.

BSV only shuts down for holidays or when they suffer another 51% attack (3 recently) but the guys are quick to reboot the servers and hand-edit the blockchain and everything goes back to normal and Crypto Fights gets back online and the bots can resume their meaningless txs.

It’s a protocol. It’s a bit like saying that HTTP had such and such uptime.

He is talking about the Bitcoin network.  It’s bound to end or slow down at some point.  Is there a BTC chart that depicts this 100% uptime?

We’re in a bear market. This is 2018 all over again. You better wake up.

How long can the ship that never sinks continue to sail?  What happened in 2013? Why was network down?  Just become holder, you will get the satisfying price.

The invention and deployment of Bitcoin is also noble price worthy.

Enquiring minds want to know. There was an outage in 2010 IIRC, required block rollbacks, no transactions were lost, IIRC.

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James T, a passionate crypto journalist from South Africa, explores Litecoin, Dash, & Bitcoin intricacies. Loves sharing insights. Enjoy his work? Donate to support! Dash: XrD3ZdZAebm988BfHr1vqZZu6amSGuKR5F

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