Home Bitcoin News Bitcoin Miner Sell Pressure Wanes as Withdrawals Plummet by 85% Post-Halving

Bitcoin Miner Sell Pressure Wanes as Withdrawals Plummet by 85% Post-Halving


Data from on-chain analytics firm Crypto Quant reveals a dramatic decline in withdrawals from miner-affiliated wallets, signaling a substantial decrease in sell pressure since the cryptocurrency’s halving event.

Bitcoin miners, who faced a 50% reduction in block rewards post-halving, have been adjusting to the new economic reality by scaling back their operations. This adjustment has resulted in a notable reduction in Bitcoin withdrawals from over 50,000 per day before the halving to under 10,000 as of recent data — marking an impressive 85% decline.

Understanding the Shift in Miner Behavior

Crypto Quant attributes this sharp decrease in withdrawals to miners adapting to lower profitability margins post-halving. With reduced block rewards, older and less efficient mining machines have become economically unviable, prompting miners to reassess their operations. Many have opted to hold onto their Bitcoin rather than sell immediately, possibly anticipating higher future prices.

According to Crypto Dan, a contributor at Crypto Quant, this decrease in miner sell pressure is a positive sign for Bitcoin’s market dynamics. He notes that the ongoing reduction in Bitcoin leaving miner wallets indicates a potential stabilization of market sell-offs associated with post-halving adjustments.

Market Implications and Investor Sentiment

The decline in miner withdrawals aligns with broader market indicators. The hash rate, which reflects the computational power securing the Bitcoin network, has also experienced a decline post-halving. This drop has been interpreted by some analysts as a signal of miner capitulation, a phenomenon where miners shut down operations due to unprofitability.

However, despite the reduced hash rate, there are indications that the worst may be over for miners. Crypto Quant suggests that the sell-off from miners appears to be subsiding, potentially setting the stage for renewed market optimism and upward price movements if demand continues to absorb the reduced supply from miners.

Challenges Faced by Small-Scale Miners

While larger mining operations may weather these economic adjustments, smaller-scale miners are facing increased challenges. The hash price, which denotes the revenue per unit of computing power, has seen significant declines recently, squeezing profit margins for less efficient miners further. This economic pressure has prompted concerns within the mining community about sustainability and profitability moving forward.

Bitcoin-focused economist Jan Wuestenfeld highlighted these challenges, noting that the declining hash price coupled with price corrections poses significant financial strains on smaller miners. This dynamic underscores the evolving landscape of Bitcoin mining, where efficiency and scale are increasingly crucial for viability.

Future Outlook and Market Predictions

Looking ahead, Crypto Quant remains cautiously optimistic about the cryptocurrency market’s prospects. The firm anticipates positive movements in the market, particularly as Bitcoin’s supply dynamics stabilize and miner sell-offs diminish. This outlook suggests that the third quarter of 2024 could see favorable conditions for Bitcoin investors, assuming continued absorption of miner supply and sustained demand in the market.

It’s important to note that this analysis does not constitute investment advice. Investors are encouraged to conduct their own research and consider all factors before making financial decisions in the cryptocurrency space.


In conclusion, the significant reduction in Bitcoin withdrawals from miner wallets highlights a pivotal shift in market dynamics post-halving. As miners adjust to lower rewards and operational challenges, their reduced sell pressure signals a potential turning point for Bitcoin’s price stability and market sentiment. The coming months will be crucial in determining whether this trend continues and how it impacts broader market movements within the cryptocurrency landscape.

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Maheen Hernandez

A finance graduate, Maheen Hernandez has been drawn to cryptocurrencies ever since Bitcoin first emerged in 2009. Nearly a decade later, Maheen is actively working to spread awareness about cryptocurrencies as well as their impact on the traditional currencies. Appreciate the work? Send a tip to: 0x75395Ea9a42d2742E8d0C798068DeF3590C5Faa5

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