Home Bitcoin News US is now practically owned by China and Now Love for Bitcoin

US is now practically owned by China and Now Love for Bitcoin

US is now practically owned by China and Now Love for Bitcoin

Dan Held Shared: The only problem with capitalism is that it works so well that people think they don’t need it.

Community Response:  Looks like capitalism works just a bit too well the environment cannot keep pace with it. Maybe it’s the environment’s problem then?

So does Socialist China not pollute? Socialism is a necessary but not sufficient condition: – You can have socialism and still pollute – But to avoid pollution you need socialism

Eastern Europe was an environmental disaster at the end of the Cold War.

To be clear, USSR and current China are not the kind of socialism the planet needs. Scandinavian models are much closer to what we need.

The only problem with capitalism is that it extorts people we’re so far removed from that we think we’re in a perfect system.

Capitalism is the worst economic system ever invented, except for all the others.

If there is a way to merge the two whilst simultaneously maintaining a healthy and decent standard of living, then all crypto enthusiasts should brainstorm how this could work & progress?

Future generations depend on our judgments now.

It worked so well that the US is now practically owned by China. Lol.

Well, heavily indebted to. China has been more interested in outright buying African governments than other superpowers.  That’s because they want to make Africa their new manufacturing hub.

The problem is we don’t have Real capitalism in USA. We have crony capitalism.

I agree and love bitcoin and capitalism. I do think we should figure out a way to use bitcoin to scale healthcare coverage to USA citizens. we’re too good of a country to have this problem.

careful, don’t be spreading socialist ideas among Bitcoiners, they may start to understand their usefulness

Steady on. I’m a Bitcoiner and fully understand the usefulness of socialist ideas and universal healthcare.

Universal healthcare as in government managed? A private company would do a better job.  The government should just stop protecting them and helping/protecting them raising price to insanity.

The US is a living example that it is not true. The US has the most capitalistic approach to healthcare of OECD countries but it has the highest cost for the lowest life expectancy.

Because governments help and protect big pharma raising price and health insurance charging insane numbers.  They don’t work for you and they wouldn’t either if they were socialist.

Everyone can work well as long as an economy is doing good! the second things go to shit it won’t anymore because no one will be paying for it.

that’s kind of the opposite if you look at past crisis in US vs Europe, people are more protected in period of crisis in Europe.

Plus show me where the alternative has ever been shown to work better and with less torture and prison camps.

Sure it drives innovation but misaligned incentives suggest that without oversight, regulation, and equity you aren’t meeting needs. Fiduciary duty or meeting the needs of the populace – which of these two should be the driver of our acceptance of capitalism is pretty obvious IMO.

Sure does. And that’s why all countries are so heavily in debt Dan. Or?

The problem is not capitalism.. the problem is FIAT and HUMAN BEINGS. Don’t get distracted you guys.

Haven’t experienced capitalism, only a technocratic plutocracy. Capitalism would prob be refreshing.

The only problem with capitalism is that it makes you so oblivious to the ground reality that you think everyone is at par.

It’s true. It creates so much shine that it blinds the population.


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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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