Home Press Releases Bitcoin (BTC) is Pure simple Economic Energy Saylor Nails it

Bitcoin (BTC) is Pure simple Economic Energy Saylor Nails it

Bitcoin (BTC) is Pure simple Economic Energy Saylor Nails it Worth your Time

Michael Saylor in the Tucker Carlson Interview: “Let me give you one more engineering insight. In engineering there is something called conservation of energy and the whole point of conservation of energy is that energy can neither created nor destroyed – there has to be conservation of it.

The mathematical metaphor and analogy to that is proper math 10+ 10 = 20. And, 2+2 = 4. If 10 + 10 ever starts equalling 18 – you got a problem.  If you have a bath tub and there is a leak, if you have a swimming pool with a leak, if I have an electric system with a short circuit, if I have a leak in my engineering system nothing works.

Nothing in the world of Ocean Engineering or Aeronautical Engineering or Electrical Engineering, nothing works unless you respect conservation of energy.

The problem with inflation is that inflation does not respect conservation of energy.  I have got a leak in the system.  I designed a currency which is not conservative. So, probably understandable that if I want conservative money supply – A conservative money supply would be there is a 10 billion dollars in the economy and no body prints anymore and that is the Austrian Economic Sound money principle.

Bitcoin is a conservative monetary system.  It is the first system that respects the laws of thermodynamics. And, the laws of physics and the laws of math, which means it is true and pure. It has integrity. If you have integrity – if you have something which is pure and true and if you have durability then you can build a family around it, a life around it and a company around it or a civilization around it.

Steel is concentrated energy in metallic form. Walk in to the steel plant and the energy goes in to the steel refinery – it is concentrated energy. The history of the human race is the civilization that channels energy most effectively always wins.

Steel trumps iron; iron trumps bronze; bronze trumps rocks; bows and arrows trump the guys with a spear and the guy with the spear beats the guy with the knife. It is always matter.

If you have air power you beat land power, sea power beats the army and nuclear power trumps everybody.

And, so If I have steel, I have concentrated metallic energy. I can create a skyscraper punched up 100-storey in New York.  How long will it last? 100 years.  How long will a steel ship last longer than you will last as long as it does not erode. Wooden ships? Not so much. Wooden ships rot – right! You want to build a building and punch it up against gravity and hold it a hundred years – you need concentrated energy. If you want to build a trust fund that will last a hundred years – how do you save 100,000 dollars for 100 years and give it to your great grand kids. You put it in the USD you have to give 99% of your economic energy. May be 99.5% You put it in gold – gold supply doubles every thirty years.  The gold bankers keep inflating the gold.  May be you lose 99% of your economic energy, but that will be a lucky happenstance because just about every country on earth cease the gold from their citizens from the last 100 years – everybody even the US – they take your gold.

So, you want to save money for 100 years – you can’t do it with currency, you can’t do it with gold.  Which company is going to be run 100 years? You want to put 100,000 dollars in real estate in flroida. Can you buy it at 100,000 dollars?  Let’s us say you could – 2% tax 2% maintenance 4% maintenance fee – 4% out of 100,000 which is 4000 dollars a year – half life – your money is not going to last 100 years. So, how do I preserve my property, which is economic energy, which is capital, which is money. How do I preserve that I need something harder – harder right? More durable.

I need a steel.  I need an economic steel. Steel is concentrated metallic energy. Bitcoin is concentrated digital energy. It is energy in digital form. It is vacuum packed food.  It is something sitting in orbit. I eliminated the friction on energy. What is the half life of energy? I take a megawatt of power and I sell it at 12 cents a kilowatt an hour, I have bought a million bucks.

Okay, I give you a million dollars of electricity how long can you hold that in a battery – you lose 2% a month. You can’t hold that very long.  You lose 28% depletion rate. And, a battery of electricity.

How do you send a million dollars of electricity from New York to Tokyo? You can’t. You can send electricity 500 miles over a power line – you will lose 6% send it 10 times you lose 60% it doesn’t move. Convert that energy that electricity in to digital energy – Bitcoin. You upgrade it.  If you would convert a megawatt of power by a Bitcoin miner in to Bitcoin, you develop 5 million dollars with the bitcoin. You got to hold it forever.  You could send it to Tokyo for a nickel.  You can put it in a trust fund right.

Bitcoin is going up a 170% a year for a decade. The S&P 500 index is going to go a 14% a year on an average for a decade. Gold is flat it is not going anywhere. It is getting demonetized, it is a dead rock in a basement, it is not fast enough. You can’t put gold on an iphone.

Gold is going to be depleted, inflated and manipulated away by the bankers and the miners. So, Bitcoin is simple pure economic energy.

Community Reaction:  Bitcoin is feeding from inflation, when inflation will disappear, only then bitcoin will start to go down, poor states, start investing in IT.

Trouble is in 100 years at least 90 % of all Bitcoin will be lost forever for many different reason. So, it will be ridiculously valuable or valueless.

Steel is NOT concentrated metallic energy he hasn’t taken the time to study science.

As someone who came to the US from one of those countries with a collapsed currency and a failed economic system, I was fascinated by how money actually works and I wish this was aired around the time that I was starting to learn about it. Greatest economy lesson I’ve watched

Saylor, how you put it is incredible. I love hermeneutical analysis, but You are Someone else.

Incredible. I have never seen someone use so many words to say nothing.

Michael, I’ve watched thousands of hours of content on bitcoin and this interview is hands down the best explanation of bitcoin and the desperate need for bitcoin that I’ve ever heard.

I agree with most of what you said, but the supply of gold is actually relatively inelastic. There have only been a handful of years where the annual supply of gold has exceeded 2% of total supply

Bitcoin is thermal energy stored in New York buildings that can’t be printed?

The future is our children, so let’s give them Bitcoin! Our children grow up through energy and time! It’s always the same. When will everyone finally understand?





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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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