Charles Hoskinson, the face of the Cardano blockchain announced that the smart contracts programming language Haskell will now be able to run in the browser. The Haskell language addresses some of the shortcomings of JavaScript. Thus, with Haskell developers will be able to write performing, correct, and maintainable code.
Charles Hoskinson expressed, “It took a while, but Haskell now can run in the browser. I wonder what Haskell to Javascript means for the industry?”
The Cardano Engineering Team expresses: “Haskell makes this easy; or to get a little technical, the combination of Strong Static Hindley-Milner based typing allows us to write performant, correct, and maintainable code.
The benefit of using Haskell instead is code sharing: we can write the front-end of a web app in Haskell that compiles to JavaScript and the back-end in Haskell that compiles to machine code. In particular, the (de)serialization code (e.g. from/to JSON) is shared and cannot get out of sync between the front-end and the back-end.”
Though Haskell is not easy the complexity of Haskell is greatly overstated. Haskell’s expression syntax is particularly quite simple. The abstractions are built from simpler ones and therefore it is recursively powerful way.
But it demands more insight and thought from the very beginning than is necessary to start churning out practical code in, say, Python. You can write Python code as if it were BASIC and get away with it (a waste of a decent language, so please don’t); Haskell does not allow you that option.
Community Reaction:
Sayer of Law commented, “Cardano is like the tortoise in the Tortoise and the Hare story. It will be one of the long-term winners in the crypto space.”
This really isn’t momentous as the browser still doesn’t touch Haskell. But creating a tool that can emit JS from Haskell is probably useful.
Not sure if I need that but I will test it.
All these functional programming languages seem to rock out consistently. Sounds interesting.
Other Snippet News:
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Cardano is into lot of stuff like working on bridging the gap between traditional finance and DeFi. Cardano blockchain is best positioned to bridge RealFi and DeFi and bring financial services to the masses.
Cardano is a trailblazer. The community are waiting to see what synergistic solutions that Cardano will come up with in the future.
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