Home Altcoins News Market Cap Has Nothing to do with XRP Price Per Community Talks

Market Cap Has Nothing to do with XRP Price Per Community Talks

Market Cap Has Nothing to do with XRP Price

Cryptonaut shared: XRP settlement in April. Then realistically 10,000 dollars per coin by June.

Community Response:  No. Not happening. Stop lying to people. I say this as an XRP holder.

Why do you hold a centralized coin that requires trusted parties?  It’s disappointing to see in these comments how many people still think that price is based on market cap.

How serious are you? Because I keep seeing this and I truly want to call cap, unless I see real evidence for this claim not hating just want the truth.

They say to transfer big money they don’t want to use thousands of XRP to do it. Makes more sense to use 1 at a higher price. 10k will happen. I don’t think this April though.

10k will never happen. Do you know what the market cap would need to be to support a 10k XRP? My calculator doesn’t have enough room on the screen and there’s probably not enough fiat in the world to transfer solely into XRP.

What if they don’t even let us get to 100 bucks because they will make us sell to the government as they did with gold.

You’re telling the naive they can keep their purse small and still attain financial freedom. You aren’t helping anyone, but rather hurting them. People are likely to invest less than they might have otherwise, because why would they if they didn’t have to?

Maybe but they’ll buy us out by then, they won’t let anyone hold to those levels IMO.

Sarcasm:  You have low expectations. 500k per coin by May.  Only 500K?! Certainly, it will be infinity billion dollars!

What crack are you smoking? Not 10000 USD$. That would be more money than all of the world combined, do you understand how many tokens are in circulation? There should be a simple math test you people need to take before fucking around in crypto.

In 2017/2018 XRP went from 0,006 dollars to 3, 82 dollars. That’s x636!! If history repeats itself and this happens again. 0, 50 dollars x 636 = 318 dollars. Let’s not be greedy, so let’s say it goes to 200 dollars /250 dollars by EOY. Is that realistic?

I know this isn’t the subject but everyone should start spreading the word that Facebook is going to 0 by the end of March. That would be nice to see XRP at 10K but I’d like to see Facebook metaverse go to zero by the end of March even more. Sell, sell, sell.

Right, so the market cap of this altcoin will just quickly jump to 360 trillion. You see it growing 360times larger than Bitcoin in the next three months. Any other financial advice you have that I can ignore?

Market cap means nothing. That doesn’t represent how much money is in a coin, just how much people are willing to pay for 1 coin. There’s a big difference.

Sure, but when someone claims 10,000 dollars a coin that is exactly what they are suggesting – the amount people are willing to pay for 1 coin. So it is nonsense whatever way you slice it.

Settlement date! I would agree. But the 10,000 dollars.  I wish man but gotta love your optimism.

Maybe 1 day in its life if fully used by the banking /government system price is endless even if they did a buyback has to be high cause 100 b only 100b so how could that move 5T a day global money people wake up.

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Steven Anderson

Steven is an explorer by heart – both in the physical and the digital realm. A traveler, Steven continues to visit new places throughout the year in the physical world, while in the digital realm has been instrumental in a number of Kickstarter projects. Technology attracts Steven and through his business acumen has gained financial profits as well as fame in his business niche. Send a tip to: 0x200294f120Cd883DE8f565a5D0C9a1EE4FB1b4E9

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