Home Bitcoin News Chinese Court Recognizes Bitcoin’s Legitimacy and Value Amidst Regulatory Ban

Chinese Court Recognizes Bitcoin’s Legitimacy and Value Amidst Regulatory Ban


In a recent development from China, a notable court opinion has thrust Bitcoin into the spotlight, offering a unique perspective on its legal attributes and value. Despite the ongoing regulatory ban on cryptocurrencies by the People’s Bank of China, this opinion paints a fascinating picture of Bitcoin as “unique and non-replicable.”

The court opinion, shared by cryptocurrency entrepreneur Sun on his X platform, delves into the intricate legal facets of Bitcoin and how judicial decisions should be approached in cases involving cryptocurrencies. While the article acknowledges the use of cryptocurrencies in illegal financial activities, it also indirectly recognizes their financial nature, raising intriguing questions about their legal status.

One of the key takeaways from the article is the assertion that despite regulatory restrictions, the legal attributes of digital currencies remain ambiguous, making it challenging to handle them in a judicial context. Even though some courts have attempted to downplay the “monetary” and “property” aspects of digital currencies, they have faced substantial difficulties in doing so.

Regarding the monetary aspect, these courts continue to acknowledge the sale price of digital currencies in their judgments. On the other hand, when it comes to property attributes, they grapple with the undeniable property value presented by digital currencies during ongoing cases.

The article further elaborates on the property attribute of digital currency, highlighting the difficulty in denying it. It describes Bitcoin as “unique and non-replicable,” setting it apart from virtual currencies like “Q coins.” It also touches on the concept of “relative scarcity” associated with Bitcoin, a fact widely recognized in the cryptocurrency world. This recognition forces the court to consider Bitcoin’s financial status more seriously.

The author acknowledges that Bitcoin’s decentralized nature, free from central authority control, distinguishes it from traditional currencies. However, it emphasizes that Bitcoin still possesses major currency functions, including scalability, circulation, storage, payment capabilities, and its role as a global currency.

The article doesn’t stop there; it continues to underscore the property attributes of Bitcoin, highlighting its acquisition through activities like mining and inheritance. This implies that despite not being recognized as a “legal currency” in China and being subjected to various descriptions, the property attributes cannot be completely dismissed.

So, what does all of this mean for the future of Bitcoin and digital currencies? The court’s legal opinion offers more legitimacy to Bitcoin by stating that these tokens undoubtedly have value, even if the People’s Bank of China chooses not to formally acknowledge it.

Moreover, the court appears open to the idea of classifying cryptocurrencies as personal properties, given that Bitcoin can be acquired through various means, including mining, inheritance, and trading. This line of argument aligns with a precedent set by a Singaporean judge who declared cryptocurrencies as personal property, drawing parallels between them and fiat currency.

The Chinese court’s perspective is clear: cryptocurrencies do have value, a value derived from the collective judgment of human minds. This echoes the sentiments of the Shanghai court mentioned in the article, which noted that digital currencies continue to serve as a medium of exchange, despite the regulatory ban.

What Lies Ahead

The Chinese court’s unique stance on Bitcoin’s legal attributes and value is a significant development in the cryptocurrency landscape. While it does not overturn existing regulations, it does bring an intriguing perspective into the conversation.

The impact of this opinion could be far-reaching. It might encourage other courts and regulatory bodies worldwide to reevaluate their stance on cryptocurrencies, potentially leading to more clarity in their legal treatment. If Bitcoin and other digital currencies are recognized as personal properties, it could open doors for greater integration into traditional financial systems.

Moreover, the acknowledgement of Bitcoin’s value, even in a market constrained by regulations, might attract more institutional interest. Institutional investors have been cautious about entering the cryptocurrency space due to regulatory uncertainties. The Chinese court’s perspective could signal a shift in sentiment, leading to increased institutional participation.


In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, the Chinese court’s recent opinion stands as a testament to Bitcoin’s enduring value and unique attributes. While regulatory challenges persist, this perspective sheds new light on the legal status of cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin’s journey from being an experimental digital currency to a globally recognized store of value continues to be a fascinating one. The Chinese court’s recognition of its value and property attributes could have profound implications for the cryptocurrency landscape and its integration into mainstream finance.

As the world watches and ponders the evolving cryptocurrency regulations, one thing is certain: Bitcoin’s role in the financial ecosystem is far from over. It remains a force to be reckoned with, whether acknowledged by regulators or not.

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Sakamoto Nashi

Nashi Sakamoto, a dedicated crypto journalist from the Virgin Islands, brings expert analysis and insight into the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Appreciate the work? Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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