Home Altcoins News Asheesh Birla on Evolving Ripple (XRP) and Bridging the World of Tokenized Services

Asheesh Birla on Evolving Ripple (XRP) and Bridging the World of Tokenized Services

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Asheesh Birla:  After nearly a decade in crypto, I’m still amazed at how quickly this industry evolves. It’s growing block after block (pun intended), like legos that can be put together to form infinite use cases. At Ripple, we’re taking that philosophy to heart.

For years, Ripple focused on building and deploying RippleNet to solve the many frictions with cross-border payments. It’s no surprise that so many fintech and crypto companies are focused on cross-border payments – FX margins were the highest.

Many fintech improves the front-end and optimizes local liquidity pools, but you can finally update the back-end with crypto with crypto. You can source FX 24×7 from crypto lots of global liquidity now and settle funds all in 1 step, while traditionally, these would be two distinct steps.

The world is becoming more tokenized. That much is abundantly clear. All signs point to DeFi becoming as ubiquitous as web or mobile have become in enabling the flow of information, which requires healthy liquidity for all kinds of assets.

To build this future, we’re evolving RippleNet to provide more than just crypto-enabled instant cross-border payments.  It’s about being the bridge between a growing world of tokenized services and traditional enterprises that want to enter this space.

Community Response: I would like to know if XRP liquidity pool wallets could service LOC customers or RipppleNet?

XRP wallet holders can also hold fiat of the receiving side currency on the chain to deliver to recipients. Ripple can rebalance the fiat equivalent in XRP plus 4% as the negotiable fee for the transaction as spreads tighten fees lower.

Can you tell us how XRP is still at the core of your strategy? This shift is vertically focused cross-border remittance payments to everything crypto, tokenization, etc.? Becoming the Amazon of crypto? Seem to relegate XRP more on the margins. Is it just me seeing wrong?

Adding to that, I often heard from Brad that one of the pillars of your philosophy was to conquer vertical by vertical and only after the cross border vertical jumping to something else. Now, is the cross-border vertical really owned by Ripple?

Did the SEC lawsuit on XRP use and its nature as a security or otherwise contributor to a strategic shift “beyond” XRP? I’m probably all wrong, but thanks for the clarifications. I’ve read the article. Overall, I’m an enthusiast and applaud it all as part of the organic growth of Ripple, though!

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