Home Altcoins News Ethereum Classic (ETC) Rhymes well with ADA and BTC per Stevan Lohja

Ethereum Classic (ETC) Rhymes well with ADA and BTC per Stevan Lohja

Ethereum Classic ADA BTC

Stevan Lohja expressed, I don’t think Ethereum Classic is the original Ethereum as the original ETH was very contrary to ETC today. I’d say Ethereum Classic is more the canonical extension to Bitcoin functionality as the EVM initially intended to accomplish. ETC is programmable digital gold.

The Magneto hard fork is scheduled to occur in ~3 to 4 weeks and ETC node operators were requested to update their node software before block 13_189_133.

Community Impressions:  The team has more hard forks than the amount of projects I wish to invest, was a long-time supporter of ETC but after IOHK I’m losing my grip with them. Keep your network secure because you will be the only network to mine on POW after Vitalik’s invention goes (wrong) to POS.

Wishful Thinkers were like:  They don’t know the value of ETC yet. Certainly undervalued, but it will go up again $200 by the end of this year. Imagine if Elon tweet about ETC instead of Doge.

Stevan Lohja Concern:  Digital Finance Group used Github TNCs to control the ETC client codebase in 2019. That attempt failed, but now they issue the super majority client on Ethereum Classic (copy of Multi-Geth which is copy of upstream Geth ironically previous forks were ported ETH forks.)

Once they reached super majority threshold, ironically they rid most of the ETC staff and infrastructure projects. Their ETC socials dead half a year now, no more transparency reports, no more engagement then the limited devs maintaining the “controlling asset” (Core-geth).

Stevan Lohja Concern Wish: How about an Ethereum Classic – Cardano coalition? I’d say ETH rhymes well with ADA and BTC communities even more so than Ethereum.

To the question on Why Mantis? A fully-featured client created by Input-Output HK adding robustness and variety to the ETH Classic client range and includes optimizations and upgrades to improve network security, sustainability, and performance.

From all the explanations it looks like Mantis is an obvious solution.  All are wondering on how it will play out.

Charles Hoskinson stated, “When we first started working on Ethereum Classic, we wanted to tell to the world that we wanted some form of copy paste coin or something like a clone of Ethereum.  The only way we can do that is by building Ethereum from scratch. As if Ethereum never existed in the first place.  So, we choose a programming language and built a team that was totally original and unique.  There had never been a scalar client in the Ethereum world and the team had never worked on Ethereum before. So, we had to train them and grow and inculcate this entire thing.  It took an entire year and a half to bring it to market.  And, originally in 2017, Mantis was the first time ever there was a client that was natively built for Ethereum Classic that also worked on Ethereum.  So, it worked with both systems.

So, over the last few months we re-constituted the Mantis team. We have resurrected the code base and we are rapidly evolving it to a point where Mantis is turning back online. And, again will be a full node for the Ethereum Classic Ecosystem and be able to run the entire Ethereum Classic Network. And, in addition to that we are creating Mantis to include all of the new ideas that we have for the first generation of the product to be able to take Ethereum Classic to future.  So, out treasury system, our check pointing system, which will resolve the initial security concerns and also provide a fund raising base of funding base for three independent development team.  So, that we can have 3 independent clients and through those teams be able to build a beautiful competitive 2021.

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James T, a passionate crypto journalist from South Africa, explores Litecoin, Dash, & Bitcoin intricacies. Loves sharing insights. Enjoy his work? Donate to support! Dash: XrD3ZdZAebm988BfHr1vqZZu6amSGuKR5F

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