Home Altcoins News Ethereum (ETH) a Project by a Teenager with no Experience in Project Management

Ethereum (ETH) a Project by a Teenager with no Experience in Project Management

Ethereum ETH Financial Apocalypse

There is a sure fire anticipation of the financial apocalypse.  It goes that Bitcoiners want to survive the financial apocalypse and Ethereans want to cancel it.

There are some who feel like:  Imagine waking up every day hoping the world has gotten worse and hoards of distressed people are now rushing to pump your bags. Bitcoin wealth-obsessed culture is such a bleak and sad state of existence.

Some state, I never want to see BTC at $1m because it will mean the U.S. has become a failed state, and I’d like to see us resurge instead.  $BTC is a bet on stagnation. $ETH is a bet on progress.   I’m absolutely in awe by the ingenuity of the Ethereum community. Longing ETH is a bet on human creativity and collaboration. People are so, so creative. 

Also, Novogratz explained why. BTC is understood as an asset class by fund managers. ETH is still a bet on the tech and they don’t understand it and don’t realize how close ETH is. So yeah, we need you on boomer TV.

When someone pointed to how it is hugely bearish for ETH that NBA is using flow? Someone replied stating, Ethereum can’t handle NBA-level volume yet, but that will change as rollups start going live. NFT adoption in general is bullish for ETH.

Many of them felt that ETH can’t handle the volume, but a brand new blockchain can? Some were wondering if once 2.0 flips, it will be able to handle the volume.

More of such mixed opinions keep popping up.

Ultimately, the mainstream doesn’t care for the tech behind it all.  And, the majority are just like:  But the gas thought! Please Ethereum, get to PoS and lower gas fees soon.

There is no denying that Ethereum is useful to all kinds of people.  Defi is analytical and NFTs are artistic.  DeFi, NFTs is all happening on Ethereum right now and no one is talking about it.  Some are wondering on why Ethereans are not on Bloomberg and CNBC.

Users need not be inundated with all the technical minutae. They just need to be given an intro to it, what it is, and how it could benefit them. Especially in a world of no yield – DeFi can be a game changer.

Someone stated ETH is a project started by a teenager who has no experience in project management whatsoever and took in billions of investment while making timeline projections with overly ambitious aims. Ethereum is years late, started incompetently. No one can give an accurate deployment timeline.

I will stick to the project that follows the principle of: “Do one thing and do it well.”

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Steven Anderson

Steven is an explorer by heart – both in the physical and the digital realm. A traveler, Steven continues to visit new places throughout the year in the physical world, while in the digital realm has been instrumental in a number of Kickstarter projects. Technology attracts Steven and through his business acumen has gained financial profits as well as fame in his business niche. Send a tip to: 0x200294f120Cd883DE8f565a5D0C9a1EE4FB1b4E9

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