Mark Cuban Ethereum price prediction states that ETH will hit 100K and pass Bitcoin.
If that should happen, Ethereum (ETH) should become insanely bullish, andit should become the Wolf of Wall Street.
For clarity, Wolf of Wall Street refers to a hungry and ruthless person to get on top of the financial ladder. Compared to that of a Wolf, the ferocity of this person is that Wolves are territorial, vicious, and show no mercy when provoked.
Also, “The Wolf of Wall Street” 2013 film is based on the life of Jordan Belfort, which was played by Leonardo DiCaprio, a stockbroker who made millions of dollars by selling penny stocks to clients at inflated prices. He begins to sell awful stocks for high prices to receive half of the money given, making him a millionaire.
In Mark Cuban’s own words:
For new people coming in, Mark Cuban states, right now for new people coming in, it is a yes. If I decide I like digital art, how do I buy digital art? With Ether.
Yeah, and if there are thousands of people coming in relative to the size of the number of people doing it, that is impactful because now and then, one of them is going to a whale, and they are going to buy a thousand ether.
And, because they will go out there are and be able to buy that big artwork. Then on top of that, you will start to see music and then entertainment videos that have been posted on open c or wearable or wherever right because that is a better way to sell it. And, what are they going to see and what are they going to have to do if they want to do their own store. They have to spend their 500 or 600 dollars on Ethereum. You know, half of half an ETH just to be able to play the game.
There is nothing in the ecosystem that says you have to buy BTC first to transact or do something within DeFi or any digital goods market place right.
That means Mark Cuban thinks that NFTs, digital collectibles, digital goods will be the way to bring in more people into crypto, yeah now.
Yeah, you know what the Dapper and Grow are doing with NBA top shots. That is a kind of a unique environment that brings people in, but that is getting them excited about digital goods, their moments there, right. And, so you know I buy all the moments for Dallas Mavericks, at least I will have one for every player on the Dallas Mavericks available, right so that I can learn it.
You go to crypto slam, and you get to see the number of customers, and you get to know the number of users, you know that number is creeping up, and those people are becoming more and more comfortable buying and selling digital goods. The NBA top shots are going to have a lot of grief right now just in terms of keeping up with the volume and a lot of them because blockchain doesn’t scale great for some of these applications in terms of the user interface and the UX.
Most people coming in right now fall into two categories. Store of value, I want to make some money – Bitcoin. If you are an investor first – Bitcoin, but everybody else and collectors, why would they buy Bitcoin?
And that is why Ethereum is going up and up and up and up! And, that is the easiest way to yield farm. BTC is not an easy way to Yield Farm. ETH – the Wolf of the Wall Street.
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