Home Altcoins News Imagine selling ETH before $100k, BTC before $1000k, ADA before $100

Imagine selling ETH before $100k, BTC before $1000k, ADA before $100


Someone on Twitter stated: Imagine selling ETH before $100k, BTC before $1000k, ADA before $100.

These kind of tweets make me bearish as hell right now. Be reasonable people. These are the kind of tweets I was seeing at the end of the last bull market. I can even imagine that. I wouldn’t forgive myself for that.

I can imagine selling them repeatedly over and over again. Profit is profit.

What did you smoke? We don’t have to imagine, it’s happening. And is not about retailers, weak hands, etc., but big actors in the market who crashed the price.  Imagine going broke because you listened to desperate Twitter shills.

About the BTC $1000K users were like:  I do believe this will happen at some point but the unit of measure is comical.  Dummies selling dips and buying Highs you will learn the hard way. Taxes, so, hold the ups and downs.

Trying to be practical, I am hoping for this BTC dip back to $30k and ETH to $2k, the pre Elon/Tesla pump so I can load up because once the FUD is done the whole crypto space is going to rock.

1 satoshi = 1usd before I’m dead. Don’t be that guy in 2040 saying “Wow I can’t believe faucets were paying out 100 SAT per hour back in 2021.”

Talking about ADA $100 users were like:  Can’t tell if this is a joke. Why is ADA in here? ADA believer was like I would strongly recommend to check the news in August. Smart contracts going come. Imagine selling ADA ever and losing your golden eggs goose.

As mentioned in some answers: ADA Cardano will release smart contracts in August. Furthermore Germany approved law today to invest up to 350 billion Euro in crypto. This will be a very hot summer.

Should we buy ADA? Of Course, you will make 100X when it is $100. Nobody is using ADA yet.  Yes, so I can buy at lower price. How can ADA be 100$ with 31b supply?

Imagine selling ADA before smart contracts in 2236, which is an optimistic timeline.  I’ll remind you of this tweet on Wednesday, 28 May 2031 at 12:00 GMT+0000.

Some want to make it happen with their tweets so that they get the masses to hype on it just what musk is doing with Doge and ADA is just marketing.

About selling ETH before $100k:  Imagine waiting for ETH to hit 100k…. Going to be spending that money in the after world.

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Maheen Hernandez

A finance graduate, Maheen Hernandez has been drawn to cryptocurrencies ever since Bitcoin first emerged in 2009. Nearly a decade later, Maheen is actively working to spread awareness about cryptocurrencies as well as their impact on the traditional currencies. Appreciate the work? Send a tip to: 0x75395Ea9a42d2742E8d0C798068DeF3590C5Faa5

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