Home Altcoins News Is Ethereum Classic (ETC) Beginning to OutPerform (ETH)?

Is Ethereum Classic (ETC) Beginning to OutPerform (ETH)?

EthereumClassic ETC

The future blockchain landscape will be stacked—meaning secure proof-of-work blockchains like ETC, will serve as a base layers, able to anchor to and provide security for L2, L3, L4+ networks.

Donald McInTyre expressed, ETC will be the second largest PoW blockchain behind BTC at the base layer of the blockchain industry stack.  Bitcoin will be worth $12 trillion and EthereumClassic will be worth $6 trillion.

Twitter handle Crypto Cloud advocates for ETC stating:  ETH is not really decentralized and the devs can increase the supply at will. ETC will only ever have 210M available. Once ETH changes over to POS in a few months ETC will be the only POW smart contract platform at the base layer.

ETC currently can handle 680,000 transactions a day similar to Fedwire and will be secure. ETH will scale to Paypal or Visa but will not be anywhere near as secure. This leads to the potential of ETH and ETC working together to increase both scalability and security.

To the question of whether ETC development is active?  There are 15 teams contributing to ETC and they are ETC dev; ETC Consortium;  IOHK;  ETC Cooperative;  Ethereum Commonwealth; Grayscale Commonwealthgg; ETC Labs; POA Network; Chippr Robotics; ETC Core; ChainSafe;  Second State; Byzantine Fault; Gödel Labs; and Storj Labs.

Also, ETC Labs provides 25 grants for projects each year to benefit ETC and also provides grants for ETC development. ETC’s Labs founder James Wo have a read of his Binance AMA (notice how he points at ETC – BSC integration too).

Charles Hoskinson, IOHK is also supporting the development with IOHK. IOHK have 20 highly skilled devs working on ETC who have just completed a Mantis client and wallet built in Scala  Their Sagano testnet is provides a strong level of protection against 51% attacks.

STORJ and ETC will scale storage solutions on the blockchain + Incentivize those storing data on the blockchain to use ETC. Storj will help speed up synchronization times for nodes + Increase the resiliency, integrity, and distribution of block data.

Chainsafe Systems are working closely within the ETC ecosystem on several initiatives. This includes adding ETC support to Hyperledger Besu as well as having made a bridge with ETC between DOT and ETH with WETC which is an important step for the following reasons.

WETC is a fully audited Defi solution in which any WETC created to interact with other blockchains removes supply of ETC from the market through a decentralized solution. Due ETC having a fixed monitary policy and supply cap as Defi grows less ETC will be available.

ETC will process low volume and high value transactions. ETH will process high volume and low value transactions. ETC will be layer one. ETH 2.0 will be layer two.

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Steven Anderson

Steven is an explorer by heart – both in the physical and the digital realm. A traveler, Steven continues to visit new places throughout the year in the physical world, while in the digital realm has been instrumental in a number of Kickstarter projects. Technology attracts Steven and through his business acumen has gained financial profits as well as fame in his business niche. Send a tip to: 0x200294f120Cd883DE8f565a5D0C9a1EE4FB1b4E9

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