Seth Simmons expressed: Using Monero for payments is so incredibly freeing. Paid for plane tickets with it via Travalacom and paid for a year of hosting as well. All without revealing my previous transactions, causing the merchant headache via taint, or high fees. Digital cash is powerful.
Justin Ehrenhofer expressed: It’s insane just how freeing the feeling is. It just works.
Community Curiosity: Nice. Did u have to provide your personal info at any point of the process of paying the plane tickets & booking the hosting? Did somebody (company) end up knowing your personal info as connected to your XMR transaction? If so, who? Thanks.
Reply: I have to imagine that if you’re buying plane tickets they’re legally required to take personal info from you. Hosting can be purchased with crypto without revealing personal info so if the host supports XMR you can buy hosting anonymously.
Practically, still need to go through KYC because of merchant type, plane alcohol rentals ETC, need to bypass.
For those who are new to Monero: Real Money = Secure, private, untraceable, fungible, portable, durable, divisible, valuable, limited in supply.
Bitcoin set the stage for a new paradigm to exist. Monero is an attempt by cypherpunks the world over to ensure that paradigm is as safe and free as possible.
The Monero community remains united in building money that is private, sound, and decentralized despite coming from drastically different political ideologies, ethnic backgrounds, languages, etc. It’s amazing to see how a common purpose unites such unique groups of people.
Nam Sardar, Monero Enthusiast Expressed: Even if 99.999999% of Monero is used and hodl’d by innocent and good people, the focus will be on that 0.0000001% that is using it for something bad. Newsflash: the MoE most used by criminals and wrongdoers is the US dollar. And that is not even up for debate.
Also, Justin Ehrenhofer, a cryptocurrency compliance expert and member of the Monero developer community, said that at the beginning of 2020, its use by ransom ware gangs was “a rounding error”. Today, he estimates that nearly 10 to 20 per cent of ransoms are paid in Monero, and that the figure will probably increase to 50 per cent by the end of the year.
A truly decentralized mining network would never appear in the news. For those who are curious about how to Monero 1. Download Cakewallet. 2. Create a Litecoin and Monero Wallet in Cake Wallet. 3. Buy Litecoin in Cake Wallet using Debit/Credit Card 4. Exchange the Litecoin for Monero in Cake Wallet 5. Feel like a cypherpunk.
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