In Polkadot multiple blocks are bundled up at the same time in a way to make possible for things to be executed at the same time. Thus, Polkadot is a multi-chain. The idea is that it is a blockchain, but they bundle lots of different blocks up all at the same time that can be executed in parallel. So, these things, can all be executed at the same time.
In doing so, they have created this sort of idea of a multi-chain because every block is actually lots of different blocks that which can in principle run a hundred times the amount of transaction throughout that just one chain, like Bitcoin or Ethereum could.
Having a reasonable expectation of what is going to happen without having to trust someone. In short, Polkadot is in many respects the biggest bet in Chain maximalism. Even if there is a perfect chain, it will not stay perfect for too long. There is no point in backing one winner over all others.
For clarity, Polkadot is rolling out the most robust platform for security, scalability and innovation. Having launched the genesis block of its Relay Chain in May 2020, Polkadot is now on track to launch several parachains in 2021.
Jiayaoqi, tweeted: “It’s been a great Polkadot hackathon with 30+ teams of 150+ devs for 52-day development. 15+ judges consisting of ParityTech Web3Foundation devs, top funds in Asia, e.g., Capital Hash Key, IOSGVC, snzholding, and NGC Ventures. Let’s build Web 3.0 together.”
Of note, Polkadot Decoded community voting opened about 3 days ago. This year the community will help select the program. The community can thus support their favorite speakers and vote on talks and topics they would like to hear at the conference. The voting for the favorite Polkadot Decoded talks are ongoing.
For those who do not know how to vote: “Review the proposals and select at least one to nominate. You can choose a maximum of three talks per category and vote for as many categories as you like. Once you’re done, scroll down and click the ‘Submit Vote’ button. Voting is open until April 4th. This is a community-curated event and all of the submissions have been submitted by individuals and projects from the Polkadot community.”
Users might want to check The Polkadot Vision, Polkadot in Action, Lightning Pitch, Tech Talk, Work Shop, and Custom formats.
Of note, Up to two thirds of the conference program will be selected from the shortlist curated by the community. The other third will be programmed by the event organizers.
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