Lark Davis Expressed: I didn’t sell any of my crypto during the dip. If you are selling dips and buying tops then I have some bad news for you
Community Response: Is it better to hold coins bought at high prices, or sell some during the dip and then buy the dip.
If you sell during the dip to buy the dip you have loss. So, it’s always advised to have USDT so as not to “sell to buy the dip” rather you top up on the dip this works for me.
Yes, agreed provided you have that option. Why not buy dips and sell tops? But you did constantly pump a $100k end of year Bitcoin to your followers.
It seems to me that such people just don’t know the basic rules of financial literacy. When I was a beginner, I lost a lot of USDT on stupid mistakes.
We achieved 69K when the monetary policy was extremely loose. Now, that all the central banks around the world are tightening, do you really think we can reach a price level above the previous ATH? That doesn’t make any sense to me. Everybody knows this, however, knowing when a bottom or top is in, is the difficult part.
But I thought you said buy high and sell low? Let’s say the bear market was upon us and the dip kept dipping, now everybody wished they sold some on the initial dip This hindsight game is one I don’t particularly care for, nobody knew what direction we were heading.
Diamond hand – it is then. Also, held strong during the dip and added some more solids to my Radar. It’s a DeFi protocol which permits anyone creating an automated diversified risk rewards optimized yield farming strategy blockchain.
I did sell some to be honest, and then bought back more at a dippier dip. I can afford to write off my investments, but there are things I want to build with that money in 2022. So, I have bottom limits where the dollar value is more important. To reach their own.
If you don’t have a stop loss or an invalidation point, you just let the markets set the Outcome Based Education.
Not agree with you. I sold when it went down and I bought it again, when it went more down = I got more coin’s + I am not 60% down, only 20% down. I just need a little pump go get back. FYI never listen to influencers who tell you don’t sell – it is a stupid mistake. Listen to your intuition. If I always lose money, then never have to pay taxes.
What if you sell one coin on the dip only to buy a different coin that really dip?
You must go against your emotions at the beginning. You will be right more times than not.
What’s your thought on selling dips for deeper dips? Risk/reward analysis. How much could you hope again if you manage to buy a deeper dip vs how much will you miss out on if it pumps?
What about buying the dip and selling the top? It comes down to understanding, research, and a bit of courage. If you have diamond hands forever, you will never realize your gains. He very frequently talks about how important it is to take profit.
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