Home Altcoins News Verasity (VRA) the Unnoticed Gem Might Make Multi-Millionaires This Year

Verasity (VRA) the Unnoticed Gem Might Make Multi-Millionaires This Year

Verasity vra

Verasity have officially received the Notice of Allowance for US Patent No 16/023,354 for the system and method of Proof of View via Blockchain.

They are all set to get the official patent number later this month.  The users have to state that VRA is an unnoticed gem to make multi-millionaires this year.  Price has not reflected it’s true value but it will soon per believers.

Verasity (VRA) is an esports, gaming and video entertainment platform.  The portal rewards gamers and viewers and publishers with VAR for attracting participants to contribute to the economic flow of the Verasity ecosystem.

They have a fully functioning online video platform which broadcasters and publishers will find useful.  Those who are looking to monetize videos and games will find the online video platform, reward module and the ad stack that has been customized for mobile and desktop very useful.

Game publishers will be able to publish directly from their laptop rather than from a server. Akamai have tested the capability for over 8 PB of data in a month.  The integrated SDK and OVP components are advantageous features empowering the infrastructure.  This is a competitive advantage of the platform.

The solutions offered by the platform are seamlessly easy to adopt for anyone without inducing any changes in workflow, habits or preferences.  Thus scalability will be comparatively better than any other online video platforms.  The ad stack for the platform can handle as many as 200 ad networks in just one stack.

The proof of view (POV) blockchain technology from Verasity has been patented in the US. For clarity, the PoV produces accurate, secure and auditable audience verification metrics.

VRA is the ecosystem token which is used in the esports to join in tournaments and to earn prize.  Those who enjoy esports will be able to pay and play with pros and their friends.

Those who sign up for the watch and earn VRA program will be able to earn VRA by watching the ads and videos in the site.  The rewards can be further collected to the VeraWallet.  Those users who are interested in earning and staking start by downloading the Verasity Apps.

Getting rewarded for the attention that users give to video is an exciting concept and Verasity have built the tools and infrastructure required for the publishers who are looking to grab the attention of billions of viewers.

Verasity make it possible for user generated Esports and casual gaming jackpot tournaments, which are  supported by both Fiat (PayPal, Credit Cards) and Crypto, On & Off Ramp.

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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