Home Altcoins News Why Litecoin (LTC) Community are Eagerly Waiting November 2021?

Why Litecoin (LTC) Community are Eagerly Waiting November 2021?

Litecoin Mining Machine

On June 19th, Bitmain released the new Litecoin/Dogecoin mining machine L7, with a hashrate of 9500MH/s and 3425W, equivalent to 19 sets of L3+, and the price is $15000, overseas purchase price is reduced by 13%. The delivery time is November 2021.

In addition, Bitmain also disclosed a 5nm-based Bitcoin water-cooled mining machine and a preview of the Dash mining machine D7.

As published in Litecoin.com:  “Speaking at an event in Chengdu, China on June 19th, Bitmain, the largest supplier of specialized ASIC cryptocurrency mining hardware, announced the release of its new L7 Scrypt based mining hardware.

​Colin Wu a Journalist at the event reported the new L7 purports to have a hash rate of 9500MH/s an increase of 19x from the previous generation L3+ that launched in 2017. It will require a 3425W power supply, therefore running at an efficiency of 0.36 Joules/MH and will cost a reported 100,000 Yen or ~$15,000 but comes with a 13% discount for overseas purchases. According to CoinWarz at an electricity unit cost of $0.1 per KWH the profitability on the L7 is around $100/day based on the current market value of Litecoin and Dogecoin (which is merge mined with Litecoin).

The estimated delivery for this new hardware is November 2021.”

Community response was like:  So major hash rate jump incoming. Will be easy to see when these come online.

This will lead in more sell pressure.This will not help LTC.  The calculation is a bit off, my L3+ run significantly cheaper (I under volt the hash boards, at no cost). Let’s hope the price will be way too high for sales.

Who would want to run a miner for LTC.  LTC has only been around for 10 years with 100% uptime.

I rather mine Litecoin/dogecoin than Bitcoin since it is more profitable at this point. Definitely ordering a few of these

Do the math first. These are outlandishly expensive machines and the extra ~$30 per day over running a comparable rack of L3+ miners results in a 435 day break-even. Current Doge would have to remain at current prices, and we are fairly certain they won’t. Then there is dilution.

Bet Bitmain pump the difficulty before they reach the end users again increasing the length of time to pay off the machine. No one will buy at 15k.

So on November 2021 the hashrate of (19sets L3+) will be like 3 sets. Too late to wait.  Who knows how long it will take a buyer to earn that $15,000 back.

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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