Home Bitcoin News Bitcoin (BTC) and the Mad Scramble to Find Value for 7.8 Billion People on Earth

Bitcoin (BTC) and the Mad Scramble to Find Value for 7.8 Billion People on Earth

Bitcoin BTC

Bitcoin, Bitcoin, and Bitcoin everyone is talking about it.  And it is already the hot topic of the year. Every single conversation right now in Wall Street and Main Street.

Micheal Saylor, has been practicing what he preaches at Microstrategy. Micheal is known to be very bullish on Bitcoin and he has his own reasons. His head is absolutely about holding Bitcoin 100%.

Micheal Saylor stated, how he did not pay much attention to the crypto industry until March of 2021.  And, in March of this year, he recalls the K shape recovery. He calls it the major macroeconomic event, which is the expansion of the M2 money supply.

He pointed to how they have had the money supply expand by about 5.5% a year for about a decade.

And, starting this year, it leaped for about a 20% and, looking forward it looks like it is going to expand by 15% every year for the next 5 years. In other words, he stated that the cost of the capital just tripled. And, if you are not beating the expanse of the money supply with your returns and investment, you can’t preserve wealth. You can’t store value. When the cost to capital tripled what that meant was a bond that is not yielding more than 15% is losing value.

And, it meant that if the stock is not growing above 15% annually it is losing value. And, it meant that if the real estate can’t grow their rents faster than 15% they are losing value.

So, the short of it is that 300 trillion dollar worth of money in fait investments, they are all going to be cut in half over the next 3 to 5 years. In essence everyone is going to lose half their wealth, if they don’t find a solution to their problem.

So, Why I am I interested in Bitcoin and the crypto industry in general is because, there is a mad scramble to find a store of value.  We know that cash won’t work and we know that bonds, real estate and stock or fiat instruments and they are all going to be debased at the rate of expansion of the money supply. And, so what are you going to do? You search through gold. You consider silver. You consider commodity. You consider buying a portfolio of rare art.  And, eventually you settle upon the idea of perfectly engineered digital gold. Something that is superior to gold in all respect. None of the liabilities of gold.  All the good attributes of Gold- And, that is 21 million gold coins called Bitcoin in cyberspace.

Once you find that you will know that this is the ultimate safe haven asset or store of value for every investor on earth. It is the solution to 7.8 billion people’s problem on earth.  Because everybody on the planet has a currency that is collapsing. The only difference is that in America and Europe it is collapsing at 10 to 15% a year. And, everywhere else it is collapsing faster. Then, how can you not get enthusiastic about that?

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Steven Anderson

Steven is an explorer by heart – both in the physical and the digital realm. A traveler, Steven continues to visit new places throughout the year in the physical world, while in the digital realm has been instrumental in a number of Kickstarter projects. Technology attracts Steven and through his business acumen has gained financial profits as well as fame in his business niche. Send a tip to: 0x200294f120Cd883DE8f565a5D0C9a1EE4FB1b4E9

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