Home Bitcoin News Bitcoin (BTC) Success Story is in the Most Part Related to its Volatility

Bitcoin (BTC) Success Story is in the Most Part Related to its Volatility

Bitcoin BTC success Story Volatility

Deutsche Bank reportedly has stated that Bitcoin is now too important to ignore.  Deutsche Bank analysts have to state that Bitcoin is expected to stay ultra volatile due to its already limited tradability.  Further stated, more of major transactions or market exits will dramatically alter the supply-demand equilibrium.

Reportedly, “The next two to three years should be a watershed moment for Bitcoin, with people watching digital currency trends for signs of acceptance.”

Despite there being 5000+ cryptocurrencies in total BTC is set to be the most valuable.

Michael Saylor reportedly recently expressed, “if we assessed volatility in athletics, we would find that the winners are more volatile than the losers.”

With regards to Bitcoin, several of them agree that it is a weird analogy and have to state that it is true. Those who understand volatility, know that it is an opportunity. It is also a hindering factor.

One of the users stated, it’s not the volatility we should be looking at, it’s natural in any new asset. It’s the true fundamentals and network effect that truly matters. Further stated that Bitcoin has all of those. And, the scarcity and therefore it makes sense to HODL.

There is no denying that volatility has a major role to play in the success of Bitcoin.

Someone tried to make the conversation light by stating, if you had a Bitcoin for every time you have been asked about Bitcoin’s Volatility, how many Bitcoins would you have? Someone responded stating I would have had 21 million in supply.  So, it is very clear that people have been forever worried, concerned and happy about the up and down volatility depending upon their market disposition and profitability.

Some of them have to state that by merely monitoring the Bitcoin Volatility Index it is possible to anticipate where the local tops and bottoms are.

It just looks like spreading the word about Bitcoin to others helps in collectively making it possible for all to do their part to pump Bitcoin?

One of the users stated that he never understood the volatility argument against BTC – when stepping back and looking at the big picture.

Someone tried to justify it all stating:  There is very low volatility in the 4 year moving average and the returns are very good. Hodlers know this instinctively.

Still, several boomers and pension funds are looking for slow and stable growth.

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Steven Anderson

Steven is an explorer by heart – both in the physical and the digital realm. A traveler, Steven continues to visit new places throughout the year in the physical world, while in the digital realm has been instrumental in a number of Kickstarter projects. Technology attracts Steven and through his business acumen has gained financial profits as well as fame in his business niche. Send a tip to: 0x200294f120Cd883DE8f565a5D0C9a1EE4FB1b4E9

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