Home Bitcoin News Bitcoin (BTC) to Transfer Wealth from the Many to Few Cantillonaire Buddies

Bitcoin (BTC) to Transfer Wealth from the Many to Few Cantillonaire Buddies

Bitcoin Hodl

Bitcoin is to global finance what the nuclear deterrent is to foreign policy. A weapon of monetary deterrence which the most powerful pretend to get rid of but seek only to control, while the weakest secretly develop under threat of sanctions.

Onlookers are like Jack and Elon Musk are evil players, they only give the illusion of friend but they are the enemy you have let into your house. They are not needed, leave them behind otherwise they will end up hurting you, maybe fatally.

Some were like Jack is basically like Fidel Castro talking about freedom. Do you see how that doesn’t make sense?

There are also thoughts like:  Remind me again why anyone would trust Jack Dorsey to create a Bitcoin hardware wallet? He’d probably steal your Sats for wrong thinking, just like Twitter Suspends accounts!

Should we really trust Jack Dorsey to build up the bitcoin community? Who doesn’t think we need a true open source platform at this point?   

And, “They announced that they want to introduce legislation, it’s not legal tender yet. People are spiking the football before they’ve crossed the end zone.”

Twitter Handle Nam Sardar states:  “Place all your life savings into Bitcoin. Buy KYC’d coin. HODL to the death. Never sell. Don’t even think of going near “shit coins.

Anyone looking out for your interest will NEVER tell you to place all your eggs in one basket, to NEVER diversity, and NEVER take profits.

A handful of people can cause the most epic crash to occur due to acute ownership concentration in Bitcoin.

Bitcoiners showing off their Lambos and Ferraris are invested from the time price was 2, 3 or 4 digits. The whole place was largely unregulated. That ship has sailed.

Check your risk threshold. How much of a fall in price can YOU bear given your entry level? Do the numbers.

Bitcoin, they’re having fun with it. What they will do with it finally, I am not sure. Could it just keep running till $500k or $1M? I don’t think so. Ultimately, the name of the game is transferring wealth from the many to the few. That is why the System exists.”

Warns:  Taxes/tariffs will be placed on fiat-on and off-boarding points. Transactions will be fully KYC’d, wallets will be KYC’d, monitored, self-custody will be restricted, HODL tax, spending tax, cap gains tax, you name it.

Overall, they will aim to minimize the incentive to own. Allowing it, would be shooting themselves in the foot. The power of the state is implemented through a poisoned fiat system that steals from the people in broad daylight.

They will leave accounting loopholes in for their cantillonaire buddies who invest in Bitcoin through Trusts and through Wall St balance sheets. We all know the markets are rigged. Crypto so far wasn’t. But its getting there, starting with BTC.  “Bitcoin most speculative, reckless asset of our times.”

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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