Micheal Saylor expressed: Bitcoin Is digital property, technically superior to all other forms of property. It is demonetizing gold, real estate, bonds, equity, cash, derivatives, & commodities and the solution to the 21st century challenge of economic security & empowerment.
Community Response: Technically superior to all other forms of property? What about a house? What about a wheelbarrow?
Everyone invests because they think price will go up. Investing doesn’t happen without “speculation.”
Nobody is talking about the elephant in the room nobody talks about SCALING .Yeah. Can’t turn a Ford “POW” into a Lambo. Node wins the prize, but all the power used by all the losing nodes goes to waste! So is there enough power on earth to sustain the network worldwide.
None of these arguments is valid, NFTs and all forms of DC have the same genetic malfunctions & disfigurements of fiat currency, In addition to a whole plethora of inherent risks. It also broadcasts everyone’s financial history to neighbors, hackers, governments both foreign and domestic. Who in their right mind thinks this is sustainable on a global scale?
No, it’s a digital currency, and always has been and always will be. It has already transformed economies and will do most of the world in due time!
Decades ago people could save in US savings bonds, some boring utility / telco stocks and a few silver coin bags while paying off a mortgage not counting on appreciation. Then everyone was forced to become a macro portfolio manager. Bitcoin a superior long term savings asset.
Diversification of an investment portfolio makes absolutely no sense when there exists a superior asset that will outlast everything else. That’s how amazing Bitcoin is. Study well.
So, are we really looking at some of the richest people in the world going hard on BTC now? I mean, you just obliterated technical analysis with that reasoning.
I am a huge fan of you Michael Saylor. However, you should start a campaign in stopping those lager miners from manipulating the market and reckon people investment. Me personally I buy low sell high making me richer every day.
They demonetized silver in 1873, gold in 1971. You’re right though Mike. You can’t twist the fabric of reality for 148 years and not expect a BIBLICAL snap back. Spiritual debt and natural law are working against this theft against humanity.
Michael, not attempting hero worship, or trolling your persona/ego. Seriously, could you have an intern catalogue your interviews chronologically. I/we the whole crypto community, could pick the ones with language we know and apply to different FAM friends for education. THX
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