Home Bitcoin News Bitcoin Cash (BCH) will at least hit 38.2% (fib) of its BCH/BTC Pair

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) will at least hit 38.2% (fib) of its BCH/BTC Pair

Bitcoin Cash BCH

Sonny Mulder stated, if we project market symmetry, we can notice BCH is following very precisely its structure. Where would it take us in the near future? My expectations are that BCH will at least hit 38.2% (fib) of its BCH/BTC pair putting it towards 10K a coin. Symmetry suggests the same.

Jorg Ridder, BCH Owner and Supporter:  You all saw the crypto market take off like a rocket a few months ago. If you were afraid to join or are ready to join later, you can get back in now. Many currencies are on sale right now! My personal favorite is and remains BitcoinCash.

What do we wish? Health, a beautiful life, family, financial independence, freedom and much more. Bitcoin Cash stands by us in all life situations. As an investment, as a retirement plan, as a daily means of payment, as a gift.

Financial freedom Independence World wide access Magic internet money for everyone Store of value Investment of your lifetime; this and much more is Bitcoin Cash.

When products are available at a discount for a limited period of time, it is called: SALE. This is exactly what is currently on crypto market. Fill your pockets before prices return to normal. Bitcoin has the most potential.

Bitcoin took 11 years to get to where it is now. With the knowledge we have today, the technical possibilities and everything that still lies ahead of us in terms of development and acceptance, where will the only 4 year old Bitcoin Cash stand in 7 years? Think about it.

“Prices in the basement? Yes Nerves on edge? Yes Existential fears? Yes can it get worse? Yes is the interest in crypto still high? Yes will a price increase come? Yes is it true that just 2% of the world’s population have cryptos? Yes decide for yourself.”

How the course will change in the future? I give my opinion on this, but advise everyone to deal with it themselves. Be self-evident. You can eventually read the signs of the market and act accordingly.

It’s steal deal time again. Buying Bitcoin Cash below 500 EUR will be unthinkable in the near future. Check it out. BCH is the cryptocurrency of the future.  But always remember: after the dip is before the dip. The market goes up and down. The art is to make the right decision at the right time.

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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