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Documenting Bitcoin (BTC) Progress on Twitter Registers Interesting Details

Bitcoin BTC Progress

Reportedly from a Twitter Account named Documenting Bitcoin:  Bitcoin is now worth more than both of the largest payment services in the world combined, Visa and Mastercard.  The magnitude of this is huge. This means that BTC in its early adopter phase has already outperformed payment processors.  It is about imagining what it will do to the global commodities market.

While some BTC advocates desired to see more of statements like “bitcoin is now worth more than Apple and Microsoft combined” some users are wondering about the authenticity of these claims.

When testing out the authenticity, users exclaimed stating, bitcoin is the largest payment service in the world. How can it be worth more than itself?

Some users feel that BTC don’t have bad time to join and that every day is a new opportunity to join and to put more money.  Visa is integrating Bitcoin into their payment network.

The belief trending is that the progress of Bitcoin is becoming worth more than all of the gold in the world.

Bloomberg reported:  US budget deficit tops $1 Trillion this year, before Stimulus.

Bloomberg reported:  Bitcoin’s market value passes $1 Trillion again amid risk rally.  Also, Goldman Sachs have issued a request to explore Bitcoin custody. And, institutional funding is just gearing up.

JP Morgan just mentioned Bitcoin” for the first time in an SEC filing. They’re launching a “Cryptocurrency Exposure Basket.”

Also, the amount of times companies mentioned BTC in their shareholder letters and earnings reports is also increasing.

A bitcoin was worth 65 argentine pesos. A bitcoin is now worth 8,063,573 argentine pesos. All of these are proof of the fact that the value of Bitcoin keep increasing and therefore proof that it is a good store of value.

While one of the them commented stating, It’s hard to tell who is more responsible of these numbers: Bitcoin or Argentinian politicians – it remains that politicians across the world are doing a poor job sustaining value and therefore BTC has more chance to evolve an as an excellent store of value.  The hyperinflation syndrome is catching up across nations.

The 222-year old bank, Donner and Reuschel, now offers the purchasing, selling and custody of Bitcoin because their ‘clients demanded it.’ It just looks like in a matter of time, every bank will offer it.

However, those who are not ready to accept the novelty in Bitcoin have to state:  Bitcoin is no different than traditional money except its underlying technology which nobody cares, even knows.

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Maheen Hernandez

A finance graduate, Maheen Hernandez has been drawn to cryptocurrencies ever since Bitcoin first emerged in 2009. Nearly a decade later, Maheen is actively working to spread awareness about cryptocurrencies as well as their impact on the traditional currencies. Appreciate the work? Send a tip to: 0x75395Ea9a42d2742E8d0C798068DeF3590C5Faa5

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