Greg Abbott, Texas Governor, Blockchain is a booming industry that Texas needs to be involved in. I just signed a law for Texas to create a master plan for expanding the blockchain industry in Texas.
Supporting user were like: Good job Greg. Texas gets the blend between conservative and innovative. And he’s a god in Texas the silver wheel god.
Defining how to perfect a security interest in cryptocurrency is a good first step great job on beginning this process and for supporting Texas’ leadership in this new era.
Texas could be the first State in the US to adopt cryptocurrency over the USD and lead the nation in the coming crypto revolution. That’s not going to happen, but making it a friendly state for crypto and crypto businesses is a good move.
Those who are questioning blockchain clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Do a YouTube search on blockchain super power VeChain and look at everything it can do. Texas will be the most efficient state in the US if they adopt it.
Critics were like: Texas ranks in the bottom 10% for vaccination, healthcare, education & opportunities. We have a Governor who cut unemployment benefits & made sure that negligent employers couldn’t be sued if their employees got Co-vid on the job. But, blockchain!
There’s a crisis on the border, record unemployment, the power grid is still crippled, and your solution is buy Bitcoin. Sweet delicious greenhouse gases here we come. If you want to get involved in bitcoin, the first step would be improving the power grid and ensuring that another crisis can’t happen, because bitcoin requires an incredible amount of electricity and it has to be reliable. I think the smartest way would be to go completely solar with any crypto they get involved with. Great, you’re going to make the power grid go down when we have a heat wave.
On the surface, blockchain seems to be a solid and transparent system immune to fraud or deception. In reality, MIT reports that hackers have stolen nearly $2 billion worth of cryptocurrency since 2017.Apr 19, 2021.
Nice, if you are smart, you will also look at alt-coins that have a definite use and are far more efficient. Bitcoin is just digital gold that has high transaction fees, until the blockchain is upgraded to address it’s obvious problems, it is only useful for speculation.
Texas I see that facts conflict with the preferred reality. Mining is a competitive sport. Being isolated from facts and reality isn’t competitive.
I don’t support the government getting into decentralized cryptocurrency at all. It’s decentralized because it’s not controlled by a institution.
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