Home Bitcoin News Tap to Pay Feature from Apple iPhone Has Nothing to Do with Bitcoin (BTC) or Cryptocurrency Payments

Tap to Pay Feature from Apple iPhone Has Nothing to Do with Bitcoin (BTC) or Cryptocurrency Payments

Tap to Pay Feature from Apple iPhone Has Nothing to Do with Bitcoin (BTC) or Cryptocurrency Payments

Apple is all set to empower businesses to accept contactless payments using Tap to Pay feature on the iPhone. Thus, later this year, US Merchants can accept Apple Pay and other contactless payments simply by making use of the iPhone and an iOS app that is partner enabled.

Apple published, “Tap to Pay on iPhone. The new capability will empower millions of merchants across the US, from small businesses to large retailers, to use their iPhone to seamlessly and securely accept Apple Pay, contactless credit and debit cards, and other digital wallets through a simple tap to their iPhone — no additional hardware or payment terminal needed.”

Tap to Pay on iPhone makes it possible for payment platforms and app developers to integrate these into their iOS apps to provide a payment option to their business customers.

Stripe, Shopify Point of Sale app, and several other payment platforms and apps will follow later this year integrating these services to help their customers pay using the Tap to Pay Feature.

Community Response:   Why would a person spend an appreciating asset to buy consumable goods?  I am not spending my BTC at Target.  I think I will go for the non-hassle way and just send my USD or EUR.

Because there isn’t any fee or delay or fraud. Also, because you don’t want to convert into a lesser form of money.  Why don’t you support adoption by spending and immediately replacing? It’s not that hard of a concept, isn’t it?  To buy some stuff from a store why would I want to give up my BTC and not the lesser form of money? The $50 in USD loses value. The SATS gain value. Give the store the USD.

This isn’t accurate. Tap to Pay allows businesses to use iPhones as a way to receive credit card payments via NFC, without an external reader. This has nothing to do with Bitcoin. As of today, Apple severely restricts NFC payments to Apple Pay.

If you believe that much in Bitcoin, why would you want to pay for something in Bitcoin?  To show the world how easy it is to transact. If you need to send fiat anywhere just convert to BTC then off it goes. Don’t spend your stack.  You can also do that in normal cash, at no cost, and done within a second.

Whatever you’re using to send $, it appears to happen in seconds but the settlement doesn’t happen for hours or even days. It also appears to be free, but corporations are being paid to provide a service.

Bitcoin is getting interesting as it becomes used as a currency and countries/companies recognize it as such.  Also, the government will have a hard-time taxing capital gains as if it were security.


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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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