Bitcoin doesn’t need a council. Bitcoin is inclusive of everyone. Can everyone be in the council? It just looks like teams are forming to create the epic pump of BTC to another Galaxy.
The cryptocurrency space is able to see the coming of implied centralization to BTC:
Could the council start all public communications with a preamble fully disclosing that it is an unelected body representing it’s own interests and is not authorized to speak on behalf all bitcoin holders?
Council? Many are wondering if Elon Musk is tuning from behind. BTC miners are not already compensated well and BTC is becoming more undervalued and is getting more undervalued.
Many are of the opinion that there is no need of councils.
Some are wondering if the council’s mining data will include the recent data regarding China movement (without the Chinese miners) or if it will have the old data including previous Chinese miners?
I wonder what Satoshi Nakamoto would have thought of the Bitcoin mining council. Some are like how many volcanoes do you all need? May be Elon Musk will start Bitcoin Mining on Mars.
It’s a pretty simple situation any number of renewable power sources can fuel the fire of bitcoin it doesn’t have to be environmentally destructive fossil fuels for the energy. Now, it just looks like people are getting together to keep their investors happy.
Some are wondering if the Bitcoin Council are trying to make Bitcoin look like a serious thing. In actuality, it’s more of a joke than Doge.
Many who do not understand the importance of decentralization are like you are doing the greatest work of all the time. One day there will be a monument of Michael Saylor the savior!
Optimists like: In case it’s not clear to everyone, the briefing by the Bitcoin Council will show that Bitcoin mining is less harmful to the environment than feared and is making progress towards becoming more environmentally friendly. Tldr: buy Bitcoin. It’s going up!
Some sense the Bitcoin Council should not be feared as centralization and they say, I like that there are people skeptical of the Council, but they also need to chill a bit and see how this progresses!
It will introduce more transparency and accountability into the mining process, and help incentivize renewable mining as a PR decision, instead of a purely financial one. Name and shame the fossil miners, name and acclaim the renewable miners.
By all means this is a self-appointed council which is trying to establish authority!
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