Solana are focusing on helping build crypto Apps that scale. At present there are 962 nodes contributing to the network.
The global financial system has the potential to become more innovative, efficient, and democratized, but there is a problem. Legacy blockchains can’t scale and therefore crypto apps built on top can’t either. As usage increase, so have the fees and transaction wait times, thus preventing crypto ecosystems from reaching their full potential.
The Solana blockchain is fast, really fast and it is low cost with the average fees less than a cent per transaction. Solana empowers developers to rapidly expand and deploy apps using composible building blocks and also it deals with friction introduced by sharding and layer 2 systems.
Lastly, Solana is censorship resistant and scales as its ecosystem goes to billions of users globally. Meaning the network will remain open for applications to run freely and transactions will never be stopped. Solana is truly unstoppable, now and forever.
Solana in their website home page state: “Solana can process 50k transactions per second. Don’t believe us? Stress test the network to experience Solana’s speed for yourself.”
Those who are willing to contribute to the Solana Ecosystem can build an app, organize an event, or create educational resources to help others learn.
The Solana Collective supports active Solana evangelists for running meet ups, moderating community channels, creating educational content, and much more. Those who are willing can join the Solana team in promoting various community and marketing initiatives all while accumulating rewards for your efforts. Those who are interested can apply to spread the word.
Using the Block Explorer you can search across the blockchain for the different transactions and the stats. There are more than 250 projects on the Solana ecosystem and counting.
Those who are looking to kick start their project on Solana can apply for funding through the Solana Foundation Grants Program, thus teams will get access to funding, dedicated technical support, recruiting assistance and lot more.
The Solana Foundation will be issuing one or more grants to teams who will be able to develop public monitoring and analytics tools for stake pools. This is in an effort to facilitate the launch of on-chain stake pools.
The successful launch of stake pools will facilitate meaningful data to token holders who are looking to delegate their stake to one or more pools. The scope is to provide details like pool name, ticker, possible metrics, pool fee, pool manager fee, average validator fee, average interest return, number of nodes, list of nodes, average pooled skipped slots, average pool uptime, average pool delinquent, average pool node stake, average pool mode lifetime.
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