Home Blockchain VeChain (VET) 3rd Anniversary Most Undervalued and Real World Use Cases

VeChain (VET) 3rd Anniversary Most Undervalued and Real World Use Cases

Vechain VET third anniversary

Vechain Foundation expressed, with the coming of VeChain 3rd Anniversary, we are starting a daily series looking at our major use cases and events! Enjoy reliving the monumental Vechain milestones from these exciting chapters from past to present.

VeChain Community Concerns:  For now, get VET listed on Coinbase. Even Shiba INU got listed. Shiba got listed because it has volume.  People want to buy Shiba which creates volume, which means more money for Coinbase. VET doesn’t have a lot of volume, which means when people don’t buy VET then lower volume = Coinbase doesn’t make much money.

But China has banned Crypto? You don’t really think that Vechain got banned in China.  Do you?

Optimists:  When there is no news why bring old stuff again and again. Why not bring a daily series about what can we expect in the future from VeChain? What is the point of this? What we need is news and conformation of facts versus rumors.

With all the problems faced by the logistic industry since CoVid – like delays, loss, traceability, quality can’t Vechain take a bigger place and help the industry provide for a massive use case.

VeChain has accomplished more than any meme coin ever will. Hopefully this all translates to a greater investor value in the very near future.

In terms of Technology:  Meta-Transaction Features are native to VeChain Thor blockchain’s core protocol, like multi-party payment, multi-task transaction, controllable transaction lifecycle, transaction dependency, which make the development more user-friendly for enterprise adoption.

Controllable Transaction Life Style:  With BlockRef and Expiration transaction fields, users can set the time when transaction is processed or expired if not being included in a block.

Fee Delegation:  Flexible transaction fee delegation schemes (Multi-party Payment and Designated Gas Payer) enable a freemium model within a decentralized application to onboard users without friction.

Multi-task Transaction (MTT) Multi-function atomic transactions allow developers to batch payments, add multiple calls to different contract functions into one transaction and determine their sequence.

Transaction Dependency:  Set dependencies to ensure the execution order meets the business need, transactions that specify a dependency will not be executed until the required transaction is processed.

Proof of Authority:  Authority Masternode Operators, with the aligned interest in the development of VeChain ecosystem, maintain the VeChainThor protocol according to the Foundation’s governance policy. PoA addresses enterprise’ common concerns of inefficient upgrade and waste of energy.

The 101 Authority Masternodes is powered by Academic Research Partners, Blockchain Developers, Enterprise Users, Business and Technical Partners, and Community contributors.

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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