VeChain Foundation expressed: Vechain is proud to join the Climate Chain, a global project advancing climate solutions that collaborate closely with UNFCC and the World Bank Group.
Climate Chain is an open global initiative to advance collaboration on blockchain/DLT and digital solutions to enhance climate actions.
The Climate Chain Coalition (CCC) is an open global initiative to support collaboration among members and stakeholders to advance blockchain (distributed ledger technology) and related digital solutions (e.g., IoT, big data) to help mobilize climate finance and enhance MRV (measurement, reporting, and verification) to scale climate actions for mitigation and adaptation.
During the One Planet Summit on December 12, 2017, in Paris, France (the 2nd anniversary of the Paris Agreement), a multi-stakeholder group of 12 organizations working on distributed ledger technology (DLT, i.e., blockchain) held a meeting to agree to collaborate and establish an open global initiative called the Climate Chain Coalition (CCC). As of June 2021, over 250 organizations in over 50 countries have joined the CCC.
The Climate Chain Coalition membership agreed on shared principles and values to facilitate and guide capacity building, networking, research, governance, demonstrations, and pilot projects.
UNFCC refers to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change established an international environmental treaty to combat “dangerous human interference with the climate system,” in part by stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere.
Massamba Thioye, who is leading UN Climate Change’s work exploring DLT and blockchain, previously expressed: “The UN Climate Change secretariat recognizes the potential of blockchain technology to contribute to enhanced climate action and sustainability.”
The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of low- and middle-income countries to pursue capital projects.
Community Response: Happy to see VeChain Officials continue to focus on corporate, social, and environmental responsibilities by joining Climate Chain. To what extent are the objectives from Climate Chain in line with the Crypto Climate Account? Maybe cooperation here is possible as well.
All very nice, but investors want to see the price of Vechain VET high, that it rises, grows, advances, and evolves. We need to appear on YouTube, press, radio, and television, not just tweets.
Patient investors are like: Why don’t you see it as a chance to accumulate more before it gets all that attention you are asking for?
Funny, how many people talk down VET for “just tweeting” and not having a high or stable enough valuation. The reality is Vechain (VET) is one of the few productive blockchains with use cases in effect with significant companies that see the value of the product vs. the valuation of the coin.
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