Sunny Vu, What VeChain is offering are answers to different levels of “developers”: Level 0: Public Blockchain – Blockchain Tech, open source, and you can build whatever you want to build with loads of cool features like MPP, MTT, Controllable TXs Lifecycle, TXs Dependency and etc.
Level 1: VeChain BaaS – Enterprise level developers and professional team who can keep Blockchain work as a service, but just use it with dedicated APIs. You can choose existing smart contract or ask for dedicated one’s for you only.
Level 2: VeChain PaaS – Developers who is focused on front end business logic and looking forward to have low-code development environment to realize the new business process on the back end using Blockchain. It will save lots of time and cost to start with Blockchain.
Level 3: SaaS – Business uses with even 0 knowledge of technical development. You can directly use digital products built on VeChain Blockchain, and which are coming from your partners like DNV, PwC, and etc. with their business expertise to solve the real issue.
Community were glad: If the foundation can commit educational materials / tutorials of how to build with VeChain from zero to hero. Looking forward and this will be the root for mass development and adoption basic.
Vechain has been performing in several areas. Businesses and governments have grappled with systemic weaknesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. VeChain-powered services have served to be the perfect solution for many challenges.
With the recent success of VeTrust, it’s worth mentioning that Vechain has been the infrastructural technology behind various global blockchain initiatives.
Xinhua News, is the biggest and most influential media organization in China and they have featured VeTrust on their official website.
It has been 2 years since VeChain had this amazing partnership with Walmart. This case positioned VeChain at the forefront of blockchain, keeping an excellent example of blockchain applied in the retail industry. 18M transactions is just a starting point.
Built on VechainThor, VeTrust has been adopted by a local Chinese government for better COVID-19 risk management. It currently covers more than a total of 95 communities and over 300k residents, showcasing why VET continues to be the leader in blockchain.
Positive Community Members like: News like this, where Vechain is being utilized by real people on a daily basis, makes me confident that VET will be the de facto currency of China’s digital economy. Remember – China is also an export based economy – so buyers around the world will have no choice but use VET.
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