Home What is Bitcoin SV (BSV)

If you are just a starter in the field of cryptocurrencies, it would help you to understand that BCH or Bitcoin Cash was established, as we have mentioned earlier, as a hard fork from BTC or also known as Bitcoin. I am also sure that you want to know more about Bitcoin SV.

BSV stands for Bitcoin SV or also known as a Bitcoin Cash SV. This is a kind of cryptocurrency that was established way back in 2018. Bitcoin SV is the outcome of the upgrading of software to the BTC or Bitcoin Cash protocol that lead to a hard fork, which is also resulted to the creation of Bitcoin Cash ABC.

Overview about Bitcoin SV

Way back in 2018, the developer of software that was known as ABC Bitcoin projected an upgrade, which came to be the Bitcoin Cash protocol. The upgrade includes possible scaling answers or cryptocurrencies by altering the way of storing information on the blockchain. Bitcoin.com, as well as Roger Ver, are the ones who endorsed the said upgrade. The upgrade has the capability to enable the developers of the software to make a smart contract software platform on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.

First, let us define what Bitcoin SV is.

Bitcoin Satoshi Vision, or simply called s Bitcoin SV is one of the cryptocurrencies that are currently existing in the crypto-world. The developers of Satoshi Vision that was led by a crypto developer and controversial billionaire, Craig Wright, states that Bitcoin SV was established to realize the Vision of Satoshi. The team of the developers of Bitcoin SV determines that it can reinstate the distinctive topographies of the protocol of Bitcoin on the Bitcoin SV blockchain.

Technically speaking, it is the latest application in the code of Bitcoin Cash. On the other hand, the team of SV has stated that it is not intended to make a new variety of Token or Bitcoin. They do not also request the exchanges for the lists of the Bitcoin SV symbol or the Bitcoin SV itself. Rather, the team had stated that Bitcoin SV provides the miner with the various options for Bitcoin Cash’s consensus rules.

There are lots of other applications of the BTC Protocol. The team of the Bitcoin SV has their confidence that the latest application would be ideal with the various 6 Bitcoin Cash applications. When it comes to the Bitcoin White Paper, Satoshi stated that it will always depend upon the miner to give their votes to the hash power to choose among the network’s rules.

In this post, we are also going to give you the advantages that you can get from using the Bitcoin SV in your portfolio of cryptocurrencies.


The team of SV trusts that the fastest transaction is the answer to unlock the profits and the bigger-sized trading markets for the BTC. Bitcoin SV also stated that it would also provide security enhancements that will support cash security as well as the future of Bitcoin. In addition, the team of SV also established a Roadmap that features priority and secures fast transactions.

The Bitcoin SV’s success will always vary upon the adaptability of both the users and the miners. One of the most problematic factors that prevent the businesses to adopt bitcoin is the price fluctuation.


The SV team has stated that the project of Bitcoin SV has a quality assurance for the miners to make sure enhanced security. This idea only means that the higher-level of security achievements by applying an inflexible set of traceable test phases. They also boast their security level which is similar to the national, medical, and aerospace security industry.


The developers of Bitcoin SV stated that the tokens they created are stable, dissimilar to the various applications. The developers also stated that both enterprises and companies are in need of enough stability before they can get the said platform of technology.

By using the massive scaling, Bitcoin SV will enable the Bitcoin Cash blockchain to upkeep the higher transaction volume and lots of fees of transactions that are meant for its miners. This is crucial for the miners to have a stable profitability since half of the reward per block will be back in the middle of the year 2020 and the remaining half will be in the upcoming years.


The developers of Bitcoin SV stated that Bitcoin Cash should process the required volume of scale. The team of the developers of Bitcoin SV has established a Roadmap that focuses on building capacity. This can be reached by the large-sized performance improvements as well as mineral configurable blocks.


The Bitcoin SV success will always vary upon the adaptability of the users as well as the miners. As stated by the team of Bitcoin SV, it is time for the Bitcoin to have a mainstream acceptance, but still, there are hindrances in the path.

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