Home Altcoins News Creditcoin (CTC) For Blockchain Based Lending Services for Lending in Any Cryptocurrency

Creditcoin (CTC) For Blockchain Based Lending Services for Lending in Any Cryptocurrency

Creditcoin CTC

Creditcoin is a borderless credit investment network $CTC.  It has been reinstated that a large market cap is not enough to build a self-sustainable financial ecosystem.  A self-sustaining financial ecosystem will need savings, payments and investment. 

Investment works like a worm hole which connects parallel universes, which we call market.  For clarity, a wormhole (or Einstein–Rosen bridge or Einstein–Rosen wormhole) is a speculative structure linking disparate points in space time, and is based on a special solution of the Einstein field equations.

A worm hole is a shortcut for long journeys across the universe.  In the current context, worm hole implies investment as a speculative short cut to create a self-sustainable financial ecosystem.

Creditcoin (CTC) being a decentralized credit network converts digital wallets into an investment market.  The miners in the investment market will be able to earn Creditcoin (CTC) by mining blocks.  The miner who mines the block will be able to collect a block reward.

The process of decentralizing the credit history is the key to achieving robustness for the network.  Fundraiser defaults get automatically punished in the network.

Fundraiser means collecting money for a particular purpose.  Fundraiser default means the default target getting set and the failure to achieve default purpose requirements in the network and getting punished. Also, investors will be able to select the credit history parameters to protect them against different risk models.

Creditcoin blockchain network has been designed to serve a single purpose extremely well and that is to enable blockchain based lending services. This blockchain is meant for credit transactions. It was built by Gluwa and Aella.  This makes it possible for the developed markets to lend and the emerging markets to repay.

The lending transactions between the developed markets and emerging markets are recorded on the blockchain.  The credit history is recorded on the blockchain.  By objectively storing the credit history, credits are built on the network.  It is important to note that the credit investment market is open to anyone.  Credit loan and credit building service for the unbanked is thus made possible.

The process makes it possible to convert dormant capital in to working capital for the society. When it is done properly, these activities will be able to optimize the flow of funds eventually increasing the productivity of the economy.

Lending transactions on blockchain technology brings in self-determination to investors and borrowers, thus propelling different economic activities.

The Creditcoin ecosystem is a blockchain-agnostic investment protocol where investors will be able to lend in any cryptocurrency.

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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