Lucian mincu expressed: The Elrond Network codebase is about to significantly expand with a set of powerful components such as bridges, relayers and tools. Perhaps, the most important: a new gas schedule that lowers gas costs by 10x in some cases, resulting in higher throughput.
The research and implementation for Gas schedule v4 has been completed. Bug hunting for WASM opcode gas schedule changes is ongoing and several findings have already been implemented. More than 10x reduction in gas costs for some operations.
The Ethereum bridge was enhanced to handle batches of transactions in a more efficient manner. Several deployments bridging public testnets are currently undergoing performance and consistency testing.
Completed analytics implementation for Maiar Exchange service with AWS timestream integration for historical data. Several modules of the Maiar Exchange service were refactored and the number of queries for computing rewards have been reduced, resulting in enhanced performance.
Other notable achievements: – Finished the feature which implements a better gas used management in cross shard mini blocks and a splitting mechanism for those which exceed a certain threshold of gas limit – Maiar launchpad audit
Started analyzing the implementation complexity of the new feature which should do partial execution of cross shard mini blocks in destination shard. Working on Stablecoin SC. Investigating gas cost changes between different gas schedules.
Launchpad SC discussions + fixes after audit. Advancements on the implementation of the integration tests in the eth-elrond bridge Devnet D1.2.22.0 release. Increased coverage on Mandos RS self-test.
Implemented and tested a new component in the erd-go able to handle the account’s nonce and the retrial of sent transactions in order to eliminate too low/too high nonce in transaction errors – Bug fixes on NFT service
Implemented a feature in mandos-go which allows the SC dev to activate arwen logs in order to improve debugging feedback information – Working on a debugging tool for SC that allows placing breakpoints directly in Rust code and directly in Arwen code at the same time
Modified ESDT system smart contract. When a new token is issued a transaction log will be generated with the information about the new token – Refactored the elasticsearch indexer to work with the new events generated by the ESDT contract.
Started the implementation of a new feature for elasticsearch indexer. The new feature will save delegators info in a new index – Improvements and bug fixing for PolyNetwork relayer and smart contracts – Research for using GraphQL alongside Golang for Lending service
Benchmarks for checking gas costs of storage mappers operations. Added a method on SCResult to unwrap or signal the contained error – Continued work on an exporter of accounts and transactions from arwenmandos to elrondgo.
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