Home Altcoins News Theta Metachain Concept Powering Future Web3 Businesses

Theta Metachain Concept Powering Future Web3 Businesses

Theta Metachain Concept Powering Future Web3 Businesses

Aiming at powering future Web3 Businesses, Theta Labs is introducing the Theta Metachain concept.  The “Chain of Chains” focuses on freely scaling horizontally and potentially achieving block finalization time of 1 to 2 seconds.

Theta Metachain was initially implemented as a multi-chain solution.  The Metachain now with 4.0 could be naturally extended into a zk-rollup-like architecture.  (Zero-knowledge rollups bundle hundreds of transfers off-chain and generate a cryptographic proof.)

Thus, data availability between rollup and Validium will be facilitated thus adding the validity proof gadget as Validium uses validity proofs.  The Metachain uses Theta EdgeStore as the data availability layer.

Theta Metachain features “uniformity” and therefore the main chain and all the subchains which are EVM compatible are Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Compatible.

TFUEL will be used as the gas token across the board on all chains. These provide a unified programming interface to DApp developers and users and result in better UX.

Along with Theta Metachain, they are set to release a set of exciting features for the Theta decentralized video infrastructure, including NFT-based DRM, live streaming support, EEN VoD multi-bitrate encoding, advanced analytics, and lot more.

They are also set to release an implementation of the NFT-based Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology in Q2 2022, which will bring true utilities to NFTs.

Last year, Theta Labs was granted USPTO patent No. 17/218,245, a technology developed for decentralized DRM via NFTs.

Together, the Metachain and the decentralized video infrastructure will enable emerging Web3 businesses in media, entertainment and the Metaverse to scale to 10x.

A little about Web3 Businesses:  Web3 is all about decentralization — it aims to give users more control over their data. Web3 is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web based on blockchain technology, which incorporates concepts such as decentralization and token-based economics.

A Web3 internet would also be permissionless, meaning anyone could use it without having to generate access credentials or get permission from a provider. Instead of being stored on servers as it is now, the data that makes up the internet would be stored on the network.

The next big thing in 2022 is that Web3 will continue to evolve towards wider adoption by improving the underlying tools to achieve a more seamless/user-friendly experience, while encrypting native applications to replace user participation by providing users with ownership + reputation.

Web3 also refers to the shared ledger systems used by cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether. The term has been around for years, but it has come into vogue in the past year or so.

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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