Home Bitcoin News 8 Weeks of Consecutive Decline When All-Time High For Bitcoin (BTC)?

8 Weeks of Consecutive Decline When All-Time High For Bitcoin (BTC)?

When are the All-Time High For Bitcoin (BTC) Coming Again

When asked about crypto investors and institutional investors at last just getting cautious about crypto right now…

Alex Mashinsky:  People who are the HODLers like Michael Saylor, the Celsius Community of more than 2 million users are still adding coins.  There are a very large number of speculators who just come and go.  You are seeing risk off across the board in the stock market, in the bond market, in the crypto markets.

So, this is not something that is just happening here.  So again, you have bifurcation. You have continual accumulation by people with conviction – but you are definitely seeing people who are just traders either being wiped out like the people who are long this week with options of futures or people who basically bought a margin – all those guys are getting cleaned out.

When they are out there are no more sellers right? They are just basically left with the buyers. So, yes, we are going to have lower numbers here, but when we are done with the selling – we should see a nice uptick in pricing that comes from coins that have been moved from the weak hand to the diamond hands.

What is the fair bottom now considering the 8-weeks of consecutive decline? What are people wondering?

Alex Mashinsky:  I am a little cautious to call this a bottom and I will explain why. None of these drivers are happening alone.  All these things are connected.  So, the crypto market is watching the stock market, the stock market is watching the FED, And, the FED is watching inflation. So, for the last 20 or thirty years – the FED has been sitting on the Pandora Box making sure the box does not open and that the three headed monster – the dragon of inflation escapes the pandora box. But now it escaped and the dragon is out there. It is spewing fire in every market and the FED needs to slay the dragon. Right, that is the only thing the FED chairman is focused on.  Does not matter if the stock market house is on fire or bond market house is on fire, or the crypto house is on fire.

All the FED is doing is delaying Bitcoin going to all time high. So, even with all this action and inflation and everything else you have a long-term trend which is migration from centralization to decentralization from web2 to web3. And, a lot of that migration involves cryptocurrencies. So, no matter what happens, even if there is inflation all that does is delays the inevitable which is a mass adoption of cryptocurrencies across the entire planet.  The question is just when are those all time highs coming. Is it coming this year or next year or 3 years from now. If you are a hodler and you are a Celsius customer and you are just hodling for many years that does not impact you. The price decline does not impact you – you are getting another opportunity to buy that Bitcoin at lower prices. Because you are accumulating Bitcoin over time (or) Ethereum over time. And, you are getting an opportunity to buy 30,000 instead of a sixty thousand.

When Bitcoin recovers it usually recovers 5 to 8x of where it was or even more.  Where the stock market will only go up to whatever 30% 50% or 70% So, the rebound is a coiled spring and the rebound on crypto is always stronger. And, it always represents new higher highs and new higher lows.


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Maheen Hernandez

A finance graduate, Maheen Hernandez has been drawn to cryptocurrencies ever since Bitcoin first emerged in 2009. Nearly a decade later, Maheen is actively working to spread awareness about cryptocurrencies as well as their impact on the traditional currencies. Appreciate the work? Send a tip to: 0x75395Ea9a42d2742E8d0C798068DeF3590C5Faa5

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