Home Bitcoin News Dollar Cost Average Bitcoin (BTC) A Compulsive Gambling Behavior

Dollar Cost Average Bitcoin (BTC) A Compulsive Gambling Behavior

Dollar Cost Average Bitcoin (BTC) A Compulsive Gambling Behavior

Bitcoin (BTC) is now trending to its lowest level in 2022.  It is down by more than 50% from its all-time high price trends. It is trending below the key level.

While technical analysis is still important Bitcoin HOLDing philosophies gaining traction these days.

Also, those who think BTC is done must be new, because it’s still early like all these TA guys watching short time-frame analysis. It is important to know that wealth is transferred from the impatient to the patient. If you can’t afford to HODL go ahead and sell, then buy back higher.

And, it is important to understand the reality, “The market is volatile and investment is risky and prices will go down a lot. this is the truth.”

Buying bitcoin at lower prices is considered a good investment.  Therefore, BTC price going down is an opportunity to buy and not to worry for several investors.  The majority always try to time the market and fail, having to buy back at higher prices. So, many tend to simply do the Dollar Cost Average thing.  The Dollar Cost Average investors are in the game for a long time. And, they have a comfortable cost average.

“The Intelligent Investor” feels Dollar Cost Average is the best strategy, forget get in and get out of the market, that is a compulsive gambling behavior. Many of them also dollar cost average their entire portfolio of cryptocurrency assets.

People who believe in Bitcoin don’t view the hold as a short-term transaction. Bitcoin is a movement. They normally don’t sell to buy back cheaper. Experienced traders know how to act accordingly and manage risk. All Bitcoiners are convinced that the price will go much, much higher with time.

Since many of them who are in the Bitcoin game well know that nobody can clearly tell where the price is moving.  Those who are real traders know that it is always best to be diversified. Those who own the asset have liquidity to buy the blood.

Nowadays it is like, too risky to not hold any. Wouldn’t want to hold none when the price shoots up again. Further, Youth allows a longer time horizon – making the price sacrifice an easier choice to sustain when having a DCA approach to the asset. This isn’t like an equity, where an investor owns a part of the company. It’s a community where the Hodler owns part of the network.







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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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