Michael Saylor Shared: Inflation is the problem and Bitcoin is the solution.
Community Response: The dip is the problem and Saylor is the solution. Imagine price increase after this like at least 20% pump.
Dude, you better distribute some rather than make a hole in the head to all the people in the world, by force it becomes ridiculous. Wish in case.
If you make money with this HODL don’t spend it. You have my forgiveness from the market manipulation stuff.
Why would you say he’s the solution? He’s not the only one buying the dip. They are always repeatedly talking about 2017, because they know nothing more but what about 2018?
What Dip? Did you ever zoom out? Appears like a 10-year plus bull run to me. I need and want more dips. Let’s hit that $40k mark. This is what we need mass adoption literally.
Dip is not a problem but an opportunity. And I’m out of Tether to spend. And, the solution is also investing in stable coin, for example USDT.
Funny you don’t even realize you’re the problem too. You’re turning the crypto space into an influencer space. You’re the equivalent to Jake and Logan Paul. We will never get investors into this space with the antics you provide.
Wait! Did Tucker Carlson, a republican, just say Bitcoin was a good hedge against Inflation? Not sure what is surprising here. If Tucker would have told this during a Republican President’s term, that’s something to be surprised about. You’re NGMI if you think fiat currency is partisan.
Yes, Bitcoin will continue to rise as folks trust less and less in their govts’ Monetary Policies. First you need to understand the meaning of cryptocurrency. My guy, it doesn’t matter if a Republican or Democrat says it. Fiat currency will always be debased.
Democrats are the ones attacking crypto, not Republicans. Bitcoin is for Republicans and Democrats. Currently, Republicans and Libertarians are supporting bitcoin in America Name one democrat politician.
Bitcoin will demonetize other assets. Nothing can compare to encrypted digital energy that does not leak. Invoking Tucker Carlson is probably not the best way to legitimize Bitcoin. You are right, but do you understand ETH? I understand it is enough to have some in my portfolio as well.
I think it would be wisest to sell all my bitcoins for 64000 dollars.
Well, you bad bitcoin, the 72k journey starts right away. He has a problem with you.
This week or next week, it can quickly rise to more than 57,000, indicating that the market is still relatively healthy. Hey Michael what’s the 2nd best crypto currency asset?
I will continue to hold my ETH and increase my ETH storage. I like storing my ETH but also flipping my ETH for 100x memes. Bitcoin is not up 164% this year. The USD dollar is down the toilet – this and all previous years.
Companies holding almost 1% of all Bitcoins in circulation are a problem. I keep telling my family and friends and they still don’t get it.
Is it only from inflation or the sheer amount of pressure from governments around the globe? Just because you invested everything into Bitcoin it doesn’t become a solution to Inflation. Stop misleading people. Such a ridiculous statement to pump your bags.
Inflation is definitely a problem and Bitcoin is definitely not a solution. Stop misguiding noobs to dump your bags.
Saylor the trouble is the sheep will follow but the brave will not. The question is who are the brave in this crazy world? Bitcoin will prevail. The rest is history.
Peter Schiff – Interesting how gold wasn’t even mentioned in a segment on inflation hedges. Gold is the weakest link. Goodbye.
Bitcoin is so heavily manipulated asset. How can you be like that? This is ridiculous. The fact is, more people lost money on Bitcoin than made. What is the entry price for Microstrategy? ~20k? Get ready. Dumping is the problem, Saylor is the solution Bitcoin.
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