Home Bitcoin News Leapfrog Ahead Real Double-Digit Inflation Invest in Bitcoin

Leapfrog Ahead Real Double-Digit Inflation Invest in Bitcoin

Leapfrog Ahead Real Double-Digit Inflation Invest in Bitcoin

Peter Schiff Expressed: The Nov. CPI spiked .8%, with the YOY rate hitting 6.8%, the highest since 1982. But annualized, the first 11 months of 2021 equate to a 7.3% inflation rate! But as bad as 2021 was, 2022 will likely be much worse as producers pass on more of their own rising costs to customers.

Community Response:  Of course, if we still measured consumer prices the way we did in 1982, the 2021 CPI would reveal a more accurate inflation rate of about 15%, making inflation in 2021 the highest in U.S. history. For years the Fed claimed the problem was too low inflation. Problem solved!

Adjusted Inflation target now 10% We are below, problem solved.

I’m so glad that we can still say these things on twitter. I got banned in May for mentioning the virus by name and giving my thought on it. Wonder if that has changed as well. Care to try? I’m too scared too now lol.

Don’t worry, liberal shills (“economists”) said the Build Back Better Act will lower inflation.

Why can’t the fed just cut off the supply of cheap money by raising rates? Afraid of recession?

So, explain the bond yield curve. If you right shorting bonds is the best trade way better than your gold bet

Not if the fed doesn’t let them rise. Have you not learned the new game yet?

And also: 10Y US Treasuries yielded around 15% in 1982…. so how is this print today even comparable to 1982?

When are my gold stocks and non-US stocks going to go up?  And bitcoin is jumping as well sir get yourself a bull it is the best hedge against inflation.

I used to stack gold and silver to protect my savings from inflation. Now I fight back and stack Bitcoin.

You could have at least mentioned Bitcoin.

Hey Peter what if there was a new asset class which yielded 40%+ APY, fully decentralized, no administrators, you control your own bank, 100% complete and can’t be taken down or manipulated like the metals market? Any thought$?

Did Gold appreciate by 7 percent?   I know Bitcoin easily did. Ever thought you might be backing the wrong horse?

As they should. As a small business owner it’s hard enough to stay in business with all the regulations, tax increases and terrible fuel policy from the current administration. Someone has to cover down on the additional expenses.

Invest in crypto to leapfrog ahead of double-digit inflation. Also, sell your gold.

Real inflation rate is about 15% if using the 1980s methodology.  Your point is getting dull every day. Your position in gold hasn’t pan out.  You can’t spell inflammation without inflation.

The rate of change of inflation will have to contend with base effects, but overall price levels will be permanent. Not fun.

Gold and silver will be hit hard again. It’s down with more money printing and inflation!

How much is the dollar worth today compared to let’s say 10 years ago just?

Instead of pay checks to stay home they should pool all the tax money and spend it on lowering food costs.  This is not helping with my mental health.

They are trying to destroy the gold even with high inflation rate.  The gold is not able to go up.  This is exactly right. The only protection is Bitcoin.

Anyone on fixed income is paying the bill. Inflation is destroying the real value of national debt.

Is the producer cost increases only because of the supply chain issues? or others too.

What would be the rate in 70s terms before they changed the CPI components? Consumer spending is up because things cost more.



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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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