You probably haven’t seen a conversation about economics that is interesting ever – we have certainly had. If you are wondering what is Bitcoin or what is crypto or if you care about inflation – why are things suddenly more expensive – you need to pay your attention here:
Michael Saylor: The currency is to your economy, what your blood is to your body. And, economic energy or money is to the currency what oxygen is to your blood. So, common sense says, if I can keep sucking the oxygen out of the room, you can either suffocate or freeze the death. And, if I keep sucking the economic energy out of the currency, the economy collapses. In the extreme, you can get back to stone age border. Right, when the money does not work anymore, I have to trade your cigarette or bullet.
And, the problem with that is the economy becomes a million times less efficient. Right, if you don’t have money – right how many countries in the world have a collapsed currency? 66 are dollarized. There is a 180 above countries with 130 floating currencies – all of them are weaker than the dollar.
The US Dollar is the world’s reserve currency. The US Dollar is expanding. It was expanding 10% a year for a decade. Now, expanding 14% a year. It expanded 34% over the past 12 months. The dollar is weakening. It is like the oxygen is getting sucked out of the room.
And, if I say the oxygen is getting sucked out of the room, and there is an oxygen mask dropped out of the ceiling over there, what would you do? Run for it.
Put the oxygen mask on – Bitcoin is the oxygen mask. The idea of Bitcoin.
Tucker Carlson: You have made the most compelling case ever for the need for something like Bitcoin. So, you are saying the whole point of Bitcoin is to escape the inflation vortex that has consumed all these previous empires.
Michael Saylor: The point of Bitcoin is to fix the money. And, Money is energy. And, energy is life. And, if I keep sucking the energy out of the economy, I am sucking the oxygen out of your system. Either, under the best case you perform poorly. And, under the worse case, I suffocate you to death or freeze you to death. That is the problem. That is why empires collapse. That is why economies collapse.
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