Mircea Popescu’a aggressive brand of unapologetic, uncompromising Bitcoin evangelism made his influence enduring despite his documented instances of sexism and bigotry.
Rizzo, Editor of Bitcoin Magazine expressed: RIP Mircea Popescu (1980 – 2021) Called The Father of Bitcoin Toxicity by some, Mircea will endure as one of Bitcoin’s most vilified figures and inarguably one of its greatest philosophers. In memory, a collection of my favorite MP quotes below:
Bitcoin is fate. It operates completely outside of any human agency. For all, you know about who Nakamoto was… Bitcoin might as well have created itself. The way fate works are quite simple: do the right thing and you’re part of it. Do the wrong thing and you’re in the dark.
Bitcoin is not here for you to opine about it. Bitcoin is here to profoundly and oft times painfully change your life. Whether you agree or not, whether you give permission or not, whether you think it acceptable or called for, or whatever else. Nobody asked you.
Bitcoin can kill all your friends and all the people you respect… It can poop in your drink and rape your pets… If lightning strikes where you sit, whether you feel a warm cozy sort of love or the most burning hatred imaginable is strictly irrelevant – electricity stays.
Bitcoin is a far-reaching innovation with effects unknown and unknowable. It is altogether probable that its effects will conflict with all currently established human conventions.
[Bitcoin makes] Man, the willing contributor to the wealth of an obviously much reduced. lovable and huggable cute little state. I’m crying with joy over here, my toes are curling in untold glee. For the first time in many years, I feel again like the world is worth living in.
I like Bitcoin because I like freedom. Simple as that. We will hear all about how Bitcoin is ‘bad for democracy,’ and ‘racist,’ and everything else. Bitcoin is doing away with big government, and everything big government supports. Everything pretty much is going away, and there’s nothing anyone can do about any of it. Cypherpunks didn’t build PGP. They dreamt it up. Show me the dream in the code.
Rizzo points to stating, MP inarguably demonstrated (and celebrated) behaviors that were bigoted, racist, and that endangered human life, including those of key Bitcoin contributors. There was good and there was bad.
Many were like Idk who that is, but I hope he rests in peace. My prayers go out to god for his family and his soul.
I would say it either says everything AND nothing at the same time. Seems nonsensical, but most of the quotes thrown around are like this – Sound impressive, yet deeply empty. And that’s why they’re so popular – Everyone can find something they like in it.
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