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The Bitcoin Show About BTC Has Not Even Started

The Bitcoin Show About BTC Has Not Even Started

Dan Held Interrogated: Fiat = Infinity; Altcoins = Infinity; Bitcoin = 21M; Which one will you choose?

Community Response:  Bitcoin wins the sound money/trustworthy monetary policy game. That’s not at odds with other interesting incentive models, tools to enable decentralization (ToR, BitTorrent, etc).  Some Altcoins have fixed supply’s.

We have to trust they won’t change the fixed supply. No one is as trustworthy as Bitcoin.

Eventually, BTC will have to change the supply or it will die.

Don’t worry I’m sure by that point they will have cooked up an elaborate reason as to why changing it is a good thing, just like they currently do with its energy usage.

Serious question: What makes BTC sound money? Just asking – Monetary policy and trustworthiness; Unforgeable costliness; Fairness of launch.

Most just interact with money via comp/device. I would think most don’t care about the underlying tech being used, so long as their money retains value.  It is secure, easily transferable with low fees, and can’t be censored. VISA or MC? Who cares? If BTC is best, so be it.

Do you get it? Majority of alts do not compete with BTC. Of course, they don’t exist w/o BTC. BTC is the market, but technologies are being built on this market that will be around “forever”. That’s established. The alts play a huge role in maintaining BTC’s liquidity.

Let’s all code in Short Code because it was one of the first programming languages and ignore its inherent weakness’. My BTC Holdings 100% -> less than 10%.

BTC isn’t the only currency with a fixed supply. Why are you blowing smoke?

I respect your opinion on most things. This one is click bait and not really subsistence based. You’re capable of garnering interest without this. Do better my friend.

What are your thoughts on the outcome of BTC hitting >$50T say? Assuming >90% isn’t traded and is stored as a means of value. The movie theatre still has a lot of patrons walking in and getting in their seats. The show hasn’t even started.

It wins in being trustworthy, sure, but it is not great as a currency. I’ve been using BTC as a means to purchase things for years now and it has not lived up to the hype as a p2p “money”, it’s just a better version of gold in the store of value arena.

I just don’t get the whole “sound money” argument. I totally agree with you. Plus, it’s slow and expensive.

Yeah if “money” means storing value, it’s amazing sound money. If “money” is currency, it sucks and is pricey and slow to use. 3rd gen cryptos have the currency part figured out, why not just accept them as compliments to a new system as opposed to trying to centralize focus?

Because BTC millionaires have vested interest in it, and the moment a so called “altcoin” gets bigger than bitcoin, they lose every credibility they might have had.

With respect, many of the better altcoin projects seem to have a maximum supply that’s just as constrained as Bitcoin’s maximum supply.

They don’t. We have to trust that the community will never change it. With Bitcoin’s community, we have the most confidence out of any other project.

Limits on a crypto’s coin/token supply boils down to the interplay of its governance protocol, its decentralization, & its community’s norms & ideals. Bitcoin is very strong on all three, but IMHO it may not be uniquely superior on any of them.

It is uniquely superior to all alts on those params. This is widely accepted by almost everyone in the space.

Baby steps you’ll understand bitcoin when you grow up and start taking adult steps, maybe.

Dan not all alts are infinity most aren’t some are even already fully circulated and have a steadily decreasing supply just wanted to make sure you knew.

You’ve missed the point entirely. You are trusting they won’t change it.

I didn’t miss the point Dan; I get what you’re saying. Many Ponzi’s out there for sure. But, we can Invest in altcoins that can’t be changed without a community vote or can’t be changed at all I have plenty of bitcoin too and measure gains in bitcoin, so there’s that.

“But we can Invest in altcoins that can’t be changed without a community vote or can’t be changed at all” Not correct.

We can though. It’s not a question of this being correct or not. It is a statement of fact. Not all alts have infinite supply. Really though.

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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