A Cardano enthusiast who really wanted to shout out about how good Cardano really is tweeted: “If Cardano is a shitcoin, do you really think that the European Union would give them 430 000€ to work on the confidentiality of the distributed registers? Think before you repeat what a baboon says, get informed”
Cardano never bothers to convince why and how better they are. The ambitions set for their project is always achieved irrespective of their long deadlines. They are very keen about ensuring security as they well know it is very important for any financial software. They ensure that there are no exploitable vulnerabilities.
Weiss Crypto ratings tweeted: “#Cardano has launched Daedalus 1.0, its full node wallet for #ADA users, as a part of Cardano’s transition from Byron to #Shelley. The wallet provides highly secure transactions and a refined UI. Future versions will support custom tokens and more.”
The IOHK team are plowing ahead. They are all set to put legacy systems on the death cross. People are beginning to notice ADA.
Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert, tweeted: “Daedalus 1.0 provides users with the ability to download their whole transactional ledger whilst validating every transaction automatically – Indeed, a step forward to complete decentralization.”
Input-Output previously stated, “Daedalus 1.0.0 brings significant enhancements to Daedalus, including advancements in stability, reliability, and performance. Users on all platforms should see improvements in connection, blockchain synchronization & wallet restoration speed, as well as reduced memory usage.”
An introductory video is facilitated for Daedalus 1.0.0. An installation guide is as well provided.
The wallet restoration time is reduced to just 20 minutes. Previously it used to be an hour and a half.
Cardano (ADA) Consensus among Entities
Talking about code releases, Charles Hoskinson stated, there is a huge effort right now at both IOHK and the Cardano Foundation about how are we going to manage software updates after the Goguen and Shelley era. Right now, with Goguen and Shelly, we have a clear feature backed quality roadmap. And, there is consensus among entities about how to hold these up.
Cardano is very clear that they will initiate productive conversations with the community. The voting system is set to be deployed sooner than the community thinks. The Cardano CIPs are set to be ratified through a democratic process. Most of the processes are getting ready for a standardized transition.
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