Don’t believe the hype: even though it’s been focusing on easy payments for the past 6 years, DASH has continued to perfect its best-in-class mixing functionality so you can keep your payments confidential. Coins without something similar just won’t work out in the future.
Even though Dash no longer brands itself specifically as a “privacy coin”, PrivateSend will always be available and developed. PrivateSend is still the best overall form of reliable anonymity as transactions cannot be traced even while being viewable on the blockchain.
When someone said: “The adoption of BTC by El Salvador is ridiculous: BTC is technologically incapable of serving any country as money, this is why “BTC adoption” has to be done on fiat rails. The hypocrisy of supporting an autocratic and corrupt regime forcing the use of custodian BTC is palpable.”
It just goes without stating that: “This is where Dash shines. It’s purpose built for this type of environment.” – Chris Webb.
Jared Tate stated, I know it is frustrating to watch all the crypto Ponzi’s & scams outperform Digibyte, but here’s the thing, most are nothing but artificially inflated vaporware & will crash to nothing eventually. This is why DGB is 1 of only 6 projects still in CMC top 100 since 2014.
Jared Tate’s expressions also seemed to apply for Dash and therefore Chris Webb was like: Dash crew, we’re not alone. Don’t lose sight of what we’ve accomplished and remember that we’re not alone in this. There are other good projects that have also suffered in an irrational market.
Dash has solved a very fundamental challenge: Some cryptocurrencies (such as Dash) can achieve instant permanent transaction finality. This means that as soon as you send a payment, it’s done, written in stone forever, without using any central party.
This means that no government, bank, institution, army, etc. can block your Dash as soon as you send it. Few understand just how revolutionary this is. Imagine a world with this level of widespread financial freedom.
If you come across someone who says that BTC is more secure than Dash because it has a higher hashrate, you can safely dismiss them because they don’t have a clue as to what they’re talking about.
The Lightning Network is to BTC what the USD was to gold – a symbolic representation. And like the USD, I predict that the link between LN and BTC will eventually be severed. If it’s no on chain, it’s not crypto. That’s why I choose Dash.
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