After the Sia Network was under a DDoS attack for 48 hours, David Vorick expressed: When attacking a decentralized network, you need to hit providers behind dozens of ISPs, dozens of different DoS defense layers, running a huge variety of hardwares and operating systems. Any one link is easy to take down, but taking down all of them requires immense depth.
Worth looking in to the thought patterns of David Vorick, CEO of Skynet through the past:
“Advertising is a form of micropayment where the cost is neatly tucked into externalities.
I’m still waiting for the Game of Thrones style moment where FAANG takes over. “We control your identity, your email, your internet access, and your social media. You don’t have a choice.”
Apps paying for the infrastructure costs of their users is a violation of net neutrality.
My college friends and I were some of the earliest backers of projects like Oculus and Soylent. Complete kick in the nuts to think in hindsight that it’s illegal for Oculus to reward its earliest supporters with equity.
In a perfect world, net neutrality would prevent large corporations from subsidizing the cloud expenses of their users.
Working with Javascript in 2021 feels a bit like working with C in 1989. Every byte counts, and the automated tooling for shedding bytes is anemic.
I learned recently that the Mina protocol is using SNARKs without any trusted setup. That is super hype. Mina is now properly on my radar.
You are only going to achieve lasting decentralization if you can solve the long tail risk.
Revolutions of the past were fought with violence. Revolutions of the present are fought with money.
NFTs give content creators a direct line to be funded by their fanbase. And it gives their fanbase a deeper connection to them. NFTs are going to transform our economy.
Here at Skynet, we believe that people should have control over their own destiny. The extreme willingness of young money to flood into unregulated assets is a sign of how heavily regulation has choked out the traditional markets.
Most tokenomics are an exploitation of the fact that people are happy to receive credit in leiu of actual goods and services, meaning you can pay people credit with a large multiple and let the speculative market foot the bill when people cash out.
The most important technique to building complex software is using brainless architecture. How much brainpower does it take to understand how to use something correctly? Hopefully zero. Spend an extra 10 hours today to make your code brainless, save 100 hours over the next year.
You need the fanatics. Humans perpetually underestimate what they are capable of, especially on longer time scales. The fanatics may be wrong about the ‘how’, but they are closer to the ‘how big’ than anyone else.”
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