Home Altcoins News David Vorick Siacoin (SC) on Skynet is not Tech

David Vorick Siacoin (SC) on Skynet is not Tech

Siacoin Not Tech

David Vorick Expressed:  Skynet is not “tech.” “Tech” is synonymous with capturing users, getting those users to build a moat, and then subjecting your users to abuses like advertising and privacy violations to make billions of dollars. Skynet is not “tech.” It is decentralization.

Early on, settlers traded cheaply manufactured beads with natives in return for land, resources, and slaves. This is similar to what happens today, with Google trading users “15 GB of storage” for their data, which is then used to drive insecurities and change purchasing habits.

Also stated, people, parading around the idea that it’s all a scam, really missed the mark. There’s a genuine revolution behind all the bad actors powered by a plethora of things we could never build before.

In response to Viewing it from the mindset of a software developer, the more I study the crypto space, the more my mind is blown about all of the things I learn are happening + being built. The amount of opportunity here right now is unprecedented. So much engineering talent flooding in.

So much outside investment is coming in. So much institutional adoption over the past few months. So many things are coming together. Real apps with real users are scaling up. It seems like possibly some inflection point is happening or fast approaching.

I also read that adoption of crypto is happening 200% faster than on the internet. If that’s the case (or close to it), we will indeed see the first billion-user app within a couple of years and scale up quickly from here on out.

The biggest things happening here are developer-centric and need software developers to help build out these next generations of apps. Do with that information what you will.

The opportunities are astonishing! There’s so much to be built and a lot to learn. We are just building the foundational layers. Any dev excited about crypto or want to have fun should definitely onboard.

Community response:  The hard part is separating the wheat from the chaff for a normal person. Realistically, only time can tell if people really mean what they say. Since most people can’t interpret the code for these clients, they have to rely on word of mouth.

Most of the success scạms, like centralized premine scạms, have had is by taking credit for real tech developers and projects invented. Usually, Bitcoin scam promoters sound good because they parrot words/motivations for real decentralized tech their scams have exactly 0 of.

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Maheen Hernandez

A finance graduate, Maheen Hernandez has been drawn to cryptocurrencies ever since Bitcoin first emerged in 2009. Nearly a decade later, Maheen is actively working to spread awareness about cryptocurrencies as well as their impact on the traditional currencies. Appreciate the work? Send a tip to: 0x75395Ea9a42d2742E8d0C798068DeF3590C5Faa5

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